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Showing 30 of 1922 for “DISSERTATION AND THESIS BLOG”
Tips for Graduate Students Beginning Their Advanced Research Project.
Blogs Academic Student/Researcher
Examine two key strategies for writing a dissertation or thesis more effectively: fast writing and slow revising.
Dissertations Academic Expert Advice
Sonja Foss and William Waters, authors of "Destination Dissertation: A Traveler's Guide to a Done Dissertation," share best practices for selecting a thesis topic.
Dissertations Academic Expert Advice
Learn techniques and strategies to help you select a dissertation committee.
Dissertations Academic Expert Advice
Breaking down the components of solid dissertation defense; the preparation, the defense, and the follow-up.
Dissertations Academic Expert AdviceDissertations are a key source for finding the latest scholarship and additional material such as data sets and detailed research.
Blogs Academic Community College Faculty Librarian Student/ResearcherInspirational dissertations on how librarians have impacted communities, including their work to break down gender and racial barriers in their profession.
Blogs Academic Community College Faculty Librarian Student/ResearcherDigitization programs have only attracted significant interest in academia over the past three to five years, a phenomenon that has been driven by two main catalyst
Blogs Academic Community College Government Public Administrator Faculty Librarian Student/ResearcherHow one scholar combined her passions and wound up with an in-demand thesis on hip-hop authenticity
Blogs Academic Community College Faculty Librarian Student/Researcher
Help your advisor be the best advisor for you; someone who will allow you to complete your dissertation and flourish as a professional.
Dissertations Academic Expert Advice
The process of having your dissertation reviewed and approved.
Dissertations Academic Expert Advice
Tips for staying focused and organized while writing your dissertation
Dissertations Academic Expert Advice
Resources that can be used by graduate schools to implement and manage student needs and strategies
Dissertations Academic Expert AdviceToday, ProQuest is introducing the Hall of Scholars, a website designed to showcase the recipients of Distinguished Dissertation and Thesis Awards.
News ReleasesIn anticipation of ALA Annual, we’re brushing up on our ALA knowledge by revisiting dissertations on the subject.
BlogsIs your syllabus getting stale? Shake up your class this spring with varied content from across the ProQuest portfolio.
Blogs Academic Community College FacultyThe ProQuest Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) Administrator, now enables authors to add or create an Open Researcher and Contributor ID.
News ReleasesThe Council of Graduate Schools/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Awards were presented to Scott Cushing and Michael Muthukrishna at the Council’s 56th Annual Me
News ReleasesGradShare (, the premier online graduate school support community developed by ProQuest, has been redesigned to highlight the most relevant inform
News ReleasesBlack Feminism, Women in STEM, Gender Neutral Parenting and more
Blogs Academic Faculty LibrarianThe insights published by this year’s ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award winners are already making waves beyond the University of Michigan.
Blogs Academic Administrator Faculty Student/ResearcherProQuest is helping universities build robust institutional repositories (IRs) by sharing digital copies of their graduate works which have been converted from pape
News ReleasesOne dissertation can lead to the discovery of more sources, as well as other works that have been cited in additional dissertations.
Blogs Academic Community College Faculty Librarian Student/ResearcherThere’s a Dissertation for your New Year’s Resolution.
Blogs Academic Community College Faculty Librarian Student/ResearcherBestowed annually since 1982, the awards recognize recent doctoral recipients who have already made unusually significant and original contributions to their fields
Blogs Academic Faculty Librarian Student/ResearcherHow a top UK institution built a worldwide audience for its research and better foundation for its students
Blogs Academic Faculty LibrarianThe top two best selling dissertations in the world address issues of national security and military action.
News ReleasesThe Dalai Lama, Cryptocurrency, Shirley Jackson, Led Zeppelin and more
Blogs Academic Community College Public FacultyProQuest is making it easier for students to contribute their work to the world’s most widely consulted source of graduate research. The company is eliminating fees
News ReleasesEach year’s announcement of the Nobel Prize winners provides a fascinating glimpse into the content in ProQuest Dissertation & Theses Global.
Blogs Academic Community College Faculty Librarian Student/Researcher