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Showing 12 of 12 for “Revista Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação”
ProQuest took top honors for <em>ProQuest Central</em> at last night’s CODiE Award ceremony in New York.
News Releases<em>AtmosPeer</em>, which was launched in mid-January by information technology leader ProQuest, connects atmospheric scientists to not only their colleagues, but
News ReleasesHere are the top twenty titles public library patrons looked for in July 2021.
BlogsProQuest solutions has recently been chosen by the Cyprus Academic Library Consortium (CALC) to provide valuable information on a wide variety of subjects to its me
News ReleasesProQuest announces the enrichment of its OASIS catalog with the bibliographic information from the Bowker Books In Print service.
News Releases Academic LibrarianSerials Solutions today announced a new Data Export feature for Overlap Analysis using Serials Solutions® 360 Core. 360 Core is the foundation for Serials Solutions
News ReleasesIs Steven Avery innocent? Newspapers, journals and dissertations could help you decide.
Blogs Academic Community College Public Faculty Librarian Student/Researcher
eLibrary®—the user-friendly general reference tool—delivers one of the largest general reference collections of periodical and digital media content designed to sup
Databases Community College K-12 Public InterdisciplinaryHow the aging post-punk movement is dealing with middle age, and beyond
Blogs Academic Community College Faculty Librarian Student/ResearcherAs part of EEBO’s September 2016 release, scholars can now explore an additional 631 scanned image titles acquired from 27 unique archives, bringing the total to ne
News ReleasesEarly European Books, ProQuest's program to digitize the archives of landmark European libraries, has taken another leap forward with its latest release, expanding
News ReleasesProQuest’s renowned Early European Books program now includes nearly 10,000 digitized titles and more than 4 million pages from the Wellcome Library.
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