Authoritative source for the study of history from ancient times through today
History Study Center (HSC) is a curated collection of full-text journals, popular magazines and primary source documents covering a range of global historical topics and themes. The collection includes current and archival secondary sources for vital content and varied perspectives on thousands of topics from world history. Users can explore primary source documents from three U.S. Presidential Administrations, offering insights into mid-20th Century landmark events that reverberate into the current day. HSC supports students preparing to complete the Cambridge International AS and A Level Global Perspectives & Research project, as well as completion of the Advanced Placement U.S. History and Advanced Placement World History examinations and course work. It’s also a trusted companion for a National History Day project.
Here's a sampling of what you’ll find in History Study Center:
Primary Source Collections
- The Documentary History of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidency: This series focuses on the most important topics of Roosevelt’s unique four-term presidency.
- The Documentary History of the Truman Presidency: Includes volumes on the dropping of the atomic bomb, the Potsdam Conference, post-World War II planning and recovery efforts, the communist takeover in China, the Truman Doctrine and the first years of the Cold War.
- The Documentary History of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidency: Covers the momentous Brown v. Board of Education and includes numerous letters from American citizens reacting to the decision.
Featured Secondary Sources
- History Today: A London-based and well-regarded history magazine publishing the world’s leading scholars on all periods, regions, and themes of history.
- Weider History Group: Seven popular history magazines including American History, Aviation History, and Military History.
- African Studies Review: Published by Cambridge University Press, the flagship scholarly journal of the African Studies Association contains the highest quality African studies scholarship in all academic disciplines.
- Journal of World History: Published by University of Hawaii Press, this journal presents research into historical questions on a global, comparative, cross-cultural, or transnational scale.
History Study Center provides the following features and tools:
- Article Text to Speech
- Language Translation
- Citation Generator (MLA, APA, Turabian)
- Citation Export to NoodleTools
- Integration with Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive and Google Classroom
- Responsive design, optimized for viewing on mobile devices
- Integration with as well as Canvas and Moodle LMS
Customer Resources
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Easy Authentication
Users can access History Study Center through the convenience of Google SSO or authentication

Language Translation
Each document offers an on-the-fly text translation into one of nineteen different languages

Cloud-based Document Sharing
Users can save documents in multiple cloud-based storage services including Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive and Google Classroom

Citation Generator
Researchers can quickly cite their sources in multiple citation formats including MLA, APA, and Turabian
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