Collections to promote diversity and inclusion in literary studies – and beyond
Students, researchers and educators demand access to literature collections that span beyond the traditional English language canon. ProQuest provides easy, digital access to seminal literary works from historic German and Spanish texts. Developed in collaboration with editorial boards and scholarly experts, these resources support the broader diversity, equity and inclusion missions of universities and have interdisciplinary relevance to support studies in areas such as literature, theatre, history, area studies, language studies, German and Spanish.
As demand grows for resources that reflect diverse people, languages and experiences, budgets continue to tighten in literature departments. This makes it challenging to grow more inclusive, non-English language collections. Libraries are seeking content with multidisciplinary relevance to ensure high usage and better return on investment.
- Digitized German and Spanish language literature collections support research and learning on campus and online
- Primary text collections comprised of prose, poetry, drama, letters, and formal correspondence are published in their original language and presented for students undergoing advanced literary analysis, performing research in cultural studies, and/or comparative studies in world literature in languages other than English
- Beyond literary studies, materials support research and learning in such areas as history, philosophy, German and Spanish language, performing arts and more
- Non-English language collections support institution-wide diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives and studies
Spanish Literature Collection
Teatro Español del Siglo de Oro
Teatro Español del Siglo de Oro contains hundreds of important works from The Golden Age (1500 – 1700), the height of Spain's intellectual and artistic achievements. The database contains the most important dramatic works of sixteenth and seventeenth century Spain, including more than 800 plays written by dramatists including Lope de Vega, Calderón de la Barca, Agustín Moreto and Miguel de Cervantes. The editorial board of Teatro Español del Siglo de Oro have carefully selected the published editions included within the database, choosing the first editions of each volume and avoiding facsimiles.
View Title ListGerman Literature Collections
Bertolt Brechts Werke
The work of Bertolt Brecht (1898 - 1956) holds up a mirror to the literary and political tumult of the twentieth century. In his dramatic, poetical and theoretical texts he involves himself time and time again with the turbulent events of the times in which he lived. Produced with the cooperation of German publishers Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, this literary resource will provide scholars with much broader access to a range of Brecht's works. It will enable researchers to carry out more comprehensive analyses that compare and contrast his approach to the role of drama and his philosophy from his early work during the Weimar Republic through his time in the United States to his final residence in the German Democratic Republic.
View Title ListDie Deutsche Lyrik in Reclams Universalbibliothek
Die Deutsche Lyrik in Reclams Universal-Bibliothek is an unparalleled publication of German poetry online, illustrating the development of German literature and language. The collection comprises works by over 500 authors, starting with work from the 15th century and follows the development of German poetry up to the beginning of the 20th century. The database allows the user to examine the reciprocal influence between poetry and politics, literary theory and philosophy. The scope and the range of the database have been enhanced through the addition of various anthologies, which also enables lesser known authors to be seen in context. Die Deutsche Lyrik in Reclams Universal-Bibliothek is published with the co-operation and support of Philipp Reclam jun., Stuttgart.
View Title ListDigitale Bibliothek Deutscher Klassiker
The Bibliothek Deutscher Klassiker is a premier collection of German writing. Published with the cooperation and support of the publishers Deutscher Klassiker Verlag Frankfurt am Main, the database covers the works of major authors spanning eleven centuries and includes historical, philosophical, theological, political and art history texts. Collections of essays, speeches and other non-literary material add context and background material. The collection includes the critical editions of the works of more than 30 authors. Researchers will find early German texts, such as Lancelot und Ginover; complete editions of Wolfram von Eschenbach; the works of Meister Eckhart; collections of Medieval German poetry and novels; Carmina Burana; and complete editions of important German authors such as Lessing, Eichendorff, Keller, Kleist, Hoffman, Storm, and Seume.
View Title ListGoethes Werke
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) was one of Germany's supreme poets and a writers, and he exercised a profound influence on the German language of today. Goethes Werke contains the complete text of the 143 volumes of the definitive Weimar Edition, originally published between the years 1887 and 1919. In this database, every word of Goethe's literary and scientific works, his diaries, and his letters from the Weimar Edition are included, as are all illustrations, notes, variants, and indexes from the published volumes. The collection is published with the cooperation and support of Verlag Hermann Böhlaus Nachfolger Weimar GmbH & Co. and the Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, Munich.
View Title ListKafkas Werke
The work of Franz Kafka (1883 – 1924) has been one of the defining influences that have shaped the literature of the twentieth century. Published in co-operation with S. Fischer Verlag, this database includes the critical edition of his complete works: Franz Kafka, Kritische Ausgabe, Schriften und Tagebücher. The 15 volumes of this edition include highly regarded critical material that will be invaluable to both students and researchers, offering a comprehensive and up-to-date version of Kafka's works.
View Title ListSchillers Werke
Schillers Werke comprises the complete works of Friedrich von Schiller (1759 – 1805), including his poetry and plays, the translations, minor prose works, historical and philosophical writings, and letters to and from Schiller and the Conversations. Schillers Werke is the electronic edition of the Nationalausgabe of Schiller's works. The Nationalausgabe was established in 1940 as the definitive edition of his works, letters and conversations. Along with the complete text, all illustrations, notes, variants, and indexes are included in the collection, as well as notes on sources and the genesis of the works and their subsequent influence on German literature. The Nationalausgabe is published in electronic form with the support of and under licence from Verlag Hermann Böhlaus Nachfolger Weimar GmbH & Co.
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