19 February 2018 Blogs

Exploring the World with CultureGrams Data Tables

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Data and statistics inform how we understand and interpret the world. Culture is no different. In addition to everyday life, culture is defined by broad forces, such as education and health care, which are evaluated using data and statistics. We now live in a data-driven world. Curriculum standards are increasingly emphasizing data and statistical literacy. Students are expected to be able to find, analyze, and make inferences about data and statistics. CultureGrams helps students sharpen their data and statistical literacy skills and learn about the countries of the world at the same time. Here are six benefits of using CultureGrams data tables to explore the world: 1. Facts. Data and statistics are facts that answer questions and support empirical reasoning. Example: How much money does ______ spend on health care? 2. Insights. Data and statistics offer insights into how broad forces shape everyday life. Example: How does healthcare spending affect people’s lives? 3. Comparisons. Data and statistics allow for fair comparisons between countries. Example: How does ______’s healthcare spending compare to other countries? 4. Assumptions. Data and statistics challenge assumptions about a country. Example: Does ______’s healthcare spending confirm or contradict what most people assume about this country? 5. Distortions. Data and statistics open discussions about whether or not they obscure or distort reality. Example: Does ______’s healthcare spending correlate with health outcomes? 6. Conclusions. Data and statistics provide the basis for empirical conclusions. Example: What does ______’s healthcare spending tell us about national priorities, cultural attitudes, and everyday life? CultureGrams World, Kids, States, and Provinces Editions have sortable, printable, and downloadable data tables to help students understand the countries of the world. The data tables have dozens of data sets on topics such as population, economics, transportation, and education. And CultureGrams editors update these tables annually with the latest data available.

CultureGrams is a leading reference for concise and reliable cultural information on the countries of the world. Don’t have CultureGrams? Request a free trial.

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