The Most Comprehensive, Diverse, and Relevant Multidisciplinary Research Database Available

ProQuest Central brings together many of our most used databases to create an extensive multidisciplinary research database. It provides access to databases across all major subject areas, including business, health and medical, social sciences, arts and humanities, education, science and technology, and religion. The collection includes thousands of full-text scholarly journals, trade and professional titles, newspapers, magazines, dissertations, working papers, case studies, and market reports all together on a powerful, user-friendly platform.

With its clean interface and responsive design, the ProQuest platform delivers a modern research experience that guides users' discovery, access and management of rich, varied content sources. In addition, researchers at libraries with ProQuest databases, Ebook Central subscriptions such as Academic Complete and Academic Video Online can now search and use this content on the ProQuest platform– in a comprehensive search that connects text and video.

ProQuest Research Assistant

Harnesses AI’s capabilities and applies them in a responsible, reliable manner as a research companion for students. Powerful features allow users to:

    • Easily craft more effective and targeted searches
    • More effectively review, analyze, and interrogate documents
    • Quickly evaluate the usefulness of each document for your research
    • Receive guidance on next steps including choosing a research topic and understanding key concepts

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ProQuest Central Updates

This multidisciplinary database is continually growing and enhanced to support the needs of teaching, learning and research.

Review a highlight of what's been recently added to ProQuest Central.

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Discovery Across Disciplines

Latest scholarly journals and the most important publishers

Latest scholarly journals and the most important publishers

Read the latest full text of key journals including the Lancet, Nature, MIT Sloan Management Review, Journal of Marriage and Family, and Journal of Business Ethics. Find the world’s most important scholarly publishers including Cambridge University Press, Springer, Nature, and Emerald.

Comprehensive, expert, global market information

Comprehensive, expert, global market information

An unrivaled collection for small business, start-ups, and business studies covering highly coveted analyses of industries, countries, economies, and markets. Providers include Fitch Solutions, Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), Plunkett Research, and Barnes reports.

Latest news

Latest news

Local, national, and international news coverage including the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Financial Times, Le Monde, and The Guardian.

Influential business and current affairs magazines

Influential business and current affairs magazines

Keep up to date with current full text of the most widely read magazines including The Economist, Billboard, Variety, and The Spectator.

Extraordinary Range of Content

Scholarly Journals




Full-Text News Sources


Market, Country & Industry Reports

And More

Working Papers




Case Studies


Conference Papers

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