ProQuest Releases Digital NAACP Content Ahead of Schedule

The work of National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and ProQuest to create broad, digital access to the archives of the venerable civil rights organization is progressing far ahead of schedule. ProQuest released the second in a series of six NAACP modules for libraries and researchers four months earlier than anticipated. ProQuest® History Vault’s The NAACP’s Major Campaigns: Education, Voting Housing, Employment, Armed Forces provides electronic access to records documenting the organization’s tireless fight for civil rights from 1916-1965. Earlier this year, files from the group’s Board of Directors and Annual Conferences, as well as text of major speeches and national staff records, were made available electronically.
Progress on the monumental project to open avenues for research and preserve the NAACP’s valuable records is being celebrated at the American Library Association’s Annual Conference, June 22 through 26, in Anaheim. Civil rights icon and former NAACP Chairman Julian Bond will speak at a breakfast event with librarians, publishers and members of the press, detailing his personal experiences in the movement to earn equal rights for all Americans.
“We’re honored that Dr. Bond can be with us here to help celebrate fresh, broad access to an archive that will take researchers inside the historic fight for civil rights,” said Rod Gauvin, Senior Vice President and General Manager, ProQuest Information Solutions. “What could be more fitting than to hear from an instrumental leader who was on the front lines of that battle.”
The NAACP archives are part of the rapidly expanding ProQuest® History Vault, which chronicles the American experience. Additional History Vault modules already online and available to researchers include:
- The Black Freedom Struggle in the 20th Century, comprised of documents ranging from the founding of the National Association of Colored Women's Clubs at the close of the 19th century to the riots that followed the verdict in the Rodney King brutality case in the 1990s;
- Slavery and the Law, which includes petitions on the subject of race and slavery to State legislatures and Southern county courts -- some of the most revealing documentation in existence on the functioning of the slave system
- Vietnam War and Foreign Policy, 1960-1975, covering U.S. involvement in the region from the early days of the Kennedy administration to the final resolution at the Paris Peace Talks and the evacuation of U.S. troops in 1973
Documents in History Vault are available for remote study and are supported by rich, intuitive search technology. Original archival arrangement schemes are preserved and PDFs of the original sources replicate the user experience of browsing through archive boxes, providing an unparalleled research experience for students and faculty who would otherwise be unable to access materials held at geographically-dispersed archives.
History Vault’s NAACP archives are part of ProQuest's vast portfolio of products that provide diverse viewpoints and lenses on news. The company’s rich research resources also include Historical Black Newspapers, an archive of digitized African-American newspapers, Jewish Newspapers, a developing archive of historical Jewish American papers, and Black Studies Center, a digital core collection of primary and secondary sources that record and illuminate the Black experience, from ancient Africa through modern times.
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