Serials Solutions releases Overlap Analysis feature as part of E-Journal A.M.S.

Serials Solutions, Inc. announced today the release of a powerful acquisition tool that provides librarians with critical information for making purchasing decisions in the complex electronic resources space. Serials Solutions’ new Overlap Analysis helps librarians get the most out of their electronic resources budget by identifying duplicate journals within their collection.
Serials Solutions’ Overlap Analysis shows, for each database in a library’s collection, the number of journals in that database that are unique to that database, and the number that are available elsewhere in the library’s collection. Hosted online by Serials Solutions, librarians can generate an unlimited number of statistical reports to evaluate their entire journal collection and analyze the effects of adding new databases to their collection.
As part of Serials Solutions ongoing commitment to delivering both innovation and value, Overlap Analysis is available as a free enhancement to all Serials Solutions’ clients, including those subscribing to E-Journal Access & Management Suite (E-Journal A.M.S.), Article Linker, and Full MARC Records.
"This is another great service from Serials Solutions," commented David Lewis, Librarian for Technical and Electronic Information Resources at Tompkins-Cortland Community College, and a member of the Overlap Analysis beta test group. "We have already done comparisons which will enable us to make informed collection development and budget decisions."
"As costs keep rising and library budgets grow ever-tighter, our customers have asked us for management tools that empower librarians to get the most out of their budgets," added Steve McCracken, President and Co-Founder of Serials Solutions. "Overlap Analysis is the first of several new features and services that Serials Solutions will provide librarians as they meet these challenges."
About Serials Solutions:
Serials Solutions Inc. provides complete e-journal access services to over 1000 libraries worldwide. Founded by a librarian for librarians, Serials Solutions helps librarians and patrons find and use electronic content through E-Journal A.M.S, Full MARC Records for e-journals, and Article Linker™ - Serials Solutions’ comprehensive OpenURL link resolver.