What will be the future state of libraries in an AI-powered world?
A new report from Clarivate explores librarians’ answers to that question

Since 1938, ProQuest™, part of Clarivate™, has been helping libraries navigate change in new environments. Together with our library partners, we have witnessed, weathered and thrived throughout profound changes to the information industry – vast technological disruptions that have forever altered the way we research, teach and learn.
Going with or against the AI wave?
We are in the midst of yet another sea change – this one powered by AI. It comes as our community is finding its way through a raft of other challenges: mis- and disinformation, open access and changing expectations of higher education... to name a few.
How are these changes and challenges impacting your library today, and how will they shape the library of tomorrow?
Engaging with librarians, exploring the path forward
From April through June of 2024, librarians around the world received a survey from Clarivate that explores these questions. The survey delves into the way librarians perceive and are responding to our changing world. What are the opportunities and the threats? What are the paths forward in a new era?
Now, we’ve published The Pulse of the Library report, a comprehensive analysis of the state of the global library community – academic, national and public libraries – on the cusp of great change. Full of rich insights and survey data that’s available for download, this report is a useful tool for understanding how your peers see and prepare for the future.
Capturing the voices and perspectives of thousands of librarians from around the world, The Pulse of the Library is an ongoing project that explores the opportunities and challenges ahead for our community.
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