Introducing Bowker Book Data
Introducing the new Bowker Book Data website.

ProQuest and LibraryThing, the co-developers of Syndetics Unbound, have announced Bowker Book Data, a new website for anyone interested in high-quality book data.
Check out the website here:
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The power of Syndetics Unbound comes from a combination of detailed, comprehensive data delivered and a simple, easy-to-implement architecture. A single line of code added to a library catalog or other book-world system brings everything alive, from enhancing records with data to rich exploratory features, such as similar books, series lists and professional reviews. ProQuest designers have made such that, wherever Syndetics Unbound is deployed, it looks great there.
Some libraries and other book-world institutions, however, want access to the raw data, to implement some features themselves and include in other applications, or do analysis across many thousands or even millions of titles.
The Bowker Book Data website includes APIs and data feeds, including:
- Bibliographic metadata for some 60 million titles, rooted in Bowker's role as the ISBN agency for the US and Australia.
- Over 50 million cover images for books and other media.
- Enhanced metadata, like tables of content, book summaries, author biographies, first chapters and professional reviews.
- Series lists, awards data and 175 million user tags.
- Title-to-title "similar books" recommendations across nearly 10 million ISBNs.
- And much more…
Check out the Bowker Book Data website for more information!