Editors’ Picks for Faculty, Spring Edition
Adelie penguins, Jackie Robinson, Shakespeare’s Henry V, counseling at San Quentin Prison and more

Support student engagement and discussion this spring with a variety of content from across the ProQuest portfolio. (For some items, you may need to log into your ProQuest or library account.)
Check out a few highlights from ProQuest’s streaming video and primary-source collections.
Documentary: Spring (from Frozen Planet)
Source: BBC Worldwide
Disciplines: Science, Geology
Spring in the polar regions brings the greatest seasonal transformation on Earth. The sun appears after an absence of five months. Warmth and life return to these magical ice worlds. Male adelie penguins arrive in Antarctica to build their nests. In the Arctic, a polar bear mother hunts with her cubs. On land, a woolly bear caterpillar emerges from the snow having spent the winter frozen solid. This documentary is narrated by David Attenborough.
Watch the preview | Learn more about the BBC Landmark Video Collection: Second Edition
Historical News Article: Jackie Installed As Dodger 1st Baseman: The Press on Jackie
Source: Afro-American (1893-1988), ProQuest Black Historical Newspapers
Disciplines: Sports, Black History
On April 19, 1947, the press reflected on the acquisition of Jackie Robinson by the Brooklyn Dodgers from the Montreal Royals of the International League, a Dodger farm club. “’Robinson’s elevation to the major league parent club should have been almost automatic, but the color line has always been drawn in modern baseball. No major leaguer owner had the moral courage to break down the barrier until Branch Rickey.’”
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Theatre Performance: Shakespeare’s Henry V
Source: The Royal Shakespeare Company
Disciplines: Theatre/Drama, Literature
Henry IV is dead and Hal is King. With England in a state of unrest, he must leave his rebellious youth behind, striving to gain the respect of his nobility and people. Laying claim to parts of France and following an insult from the French Dauphin, Henry gathers his troops and prepares for a war that he hopes will unite his country.
Watch the preview | Learn more about The Royal Shakespeare Company Collection
Video: Behind the Blue Lines
Source: Mass Incarceration & Prison Studies
Disciplines: Criminal Justice, Global Issues
Australia is undergoing a rapid cultural transformation and the police must adapt. In Perth, Western Australia, they’re trying to do just that; and their test case is Mirrabooka, a suburb where the community speaks more than 100 languages. With no-holds access, the filmmakers go behind the scenes with Mirrabooka’s front-line officers as they tackle serious drug crime and domestic violence.
Watch the preview | Learn more about Mass Incarceration & Prison Studies
Video: Group Counseling With Inmates: San Quentin Prison
Source: Social Work Online
Disciplines: Social Work, Counseling, Mental Health
It took four years to get approval to film a group of inmates at San Quentin State Prison. The session was co-facilitated by Adam Zagelbaum, Professor of Counseling at Sonoma State University, and Charlie, an inmate. Watch the group participate in its weekly support and skill building group and explore the topics of shame, guilt, remorse and worthiness. This video will help students in human service professions better understand effective strategies for working with groups and develop increased empathy for the incarcerated.
Watch the preview | Learn more about Social Work Online
Historical News Article: NAACP Warns of Voting Pitfalls: Sees Growing Effort to Dilute Voting Strength of Minorities
Source: Atlanta Daily World (1932-2003), ProQuest Historical Newspapers
Disciplines: American History, Black History
In June of 1980, the Southeast Regional Director of the NAACP warns that changes in Georgia election laws may result in large numbers of potential voters not being able to vote in the upcoming Aug. 5 primary.
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