Include Syndetics Unbound on your search results pages
Want to increase usage of Syndetics Unbound? Increase its visibility

Many users don't click beyond the search results page to view the detail record in your catalog. To that end, we've added an abbreviated version of Syndetics Unbound that launches small lightboxes for each element, directly from your search results page.
We've seen usage statistics rise dramatically when libraries enable Syndetics Unbound on search results pages, so give it a try!
To enable
To get started, you'll need to include the Syndetics Unbound code on your search results page. Directions for that vary by system, you'll want to go to the Get Code page in the Syndetics Unbound Admin, and then click help for system-specific information. In the Admin, you can also configure the elements on your search results—reorder, turn off and on—without it affecting your detail page settings.
This is currently available for libraries on Summon, SirsiDynix Enterprise, Koha, III Encore and WebPac, and Evergreen. If you're interested in Syndetics Unbound on your search results and your system is not included here, let us know at
For more information about Syndetics Unbound, please visit