17 January 2018 Blogs

Kid Inventors' Day

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January 17 Is Kids Inventors' Day! Benjamin Franklin had countless accomplishments. He is well known for inventions such as bifocal eyeglasses and the lightning rod. But did you know that he invented the first swim flippers at age 12? On Franklin's birthday January 17, take some time with your students to recognize the achievements of kid inventors. Inventing allows kids to be creative and scientific. It helps them solve problems and see the world around them in different ways. Kids invented water skis, earmuffs, the trampoline and the Popsicle. According to the Kid Inventors' Day site "500,000 children and teens invent gadgets and games each year. These innovations help make our lives easier – and more fun!" This site includes tips for kid inventors, books, and links for more information as well as teachers' guides. Inventing also incorporates all aspects of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math). What types of problems can your students solve with these innovation principles? Kids often think in ways that adults don't so one British man had several kids' drawings manufactured into real and often whimsical products. For some fun and inspiration check out Inventors! to see the inventions come to life. And finally, SIRS Discoverer offers biographies and articles about all sorts of inventors and inventions. Students can also learn about the inspiration for Kid Inventors' Day: Benjamin Franklin. What are some things your students have invented? Tweet us photos using #ProQuest #sirsdiscoverer

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