28 July 2014 Blogs, Academic, Community College, Faculty, Librarian, Student/Researcher

Integration between ProQuest Platform and Flow™ Further Supports Researchers

Together, the ProQuest platform and Flow are beginning to deliver a more streamlined research experience, further supporting end-to-end researcher workflows by bringing together ProQuest databases and research document management

We are excited to announce that together, the ProQuest platform and Flow™ are beginning to deliver a more streamlined research experience, further supporting end-to-end researcher workflows by bringing together ProQuest databases and research document management.

This is a beta integration, which includes the "Save to Flow"  button being added to the action menu bar within the ProQuest platform, as well as a Flow option appearing in the Export/Save drop-down selection from the menu bar (as seen in the image above). 

This first release lets users save full-text PDF and full-text HTML documents to Flow, along with their bibliographic metadata. For all other content types, users can save the citation, abstract, and key indexing fields. Full-text support for other content types is coming soon. Upon saving, users will be asked to authenticate into Flow, if they were not already authenticated before.

We will announce additional enhancements to this integration, so follow this blog (you can use the Academic RSS feed at the right for notifications), or watch our Twitter or Facebook for the latest news.

For all ProQuest users: Anyone that has access to ProQuest will be able to create a free Flow account.

For existing users with Flow free accounts: Those users will simply sign in with the academic email address associated with their Flow account.

For existing Flow Institutional users: Subscribing institutions will be recognized and will be allowed to create premium Institutional edition accounts, whether users enter their institutional or personal email address during sign-up.

We believe this tightly-coupled development will make the research experience more efficient and meet the high standards of quality you expect. If we're missing something, let us know!
