Have you ever wondered which dissertations and theses are accessed most by researchers?
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global™ database is the world's most comprehensive curated collection of multi-disciplinary dissertations and theses from thousands of universities around the world. Each month ProQuest posts the top 25 Most-Accessed Dissertations and Theses across all subjects, based upon total document views. Check out the current list of top titles (where a number is listed more than once, this indicates a tie in usage). View the Archives to see lists from previous months.
Dissertations Theses
Dissertations - October 2024
A study focused on the risk of illness from Escherichia coli in recreational-use water, using the Red Cedar Watershed as a model
Lang, Michael J., Michigan State University, 2004, Ph.D.
Subject: Environmental science
Servant leadership: A theoretical model
Patterson, Kathleen Ann, Regent University, 2003, Ph.D.
Subject: Management
Social Media and Self-Evaluation: The Examination of Social Media Use on Identity, Social Comparison, and Self-Esteem in Young Female Adults
Solomon, Michelle, William James College, 2016, Psy.D.
Subject: Clinical psychology
Gender socialization in the family
Shearer, Cindy L., The Pennsylvania State University, 2007, Ph.D.
Subject: Developmental psychology
Mental Health Outcomes for Adult Children of Narcissistic Parents
Leggio, John Nicholas, Adler University, 2018, Psy.D.
Subject: Clinical psychology
Hypothalamic regulation in relation to maladaptive, obsessive-compulsive, affiliative, and satiety behaviors in Prader-Willi syndrome
Bialik, Mayim Chaya, University of California, Los Angeles, 2007, Ph.D.
Subject: Neurosciences
Teachers' perceptions regarding the use of Google Classroom and Google Docs and their impact on student engagement
Morquin, Demian, Texas A&M University - Kingsville, 2016, Ed.D.
Subject: Educational leadership
Biochemical and structural dissection of the regulation of the apoptotic pathways in Drosophila and Caenorhabditis elegans
Yan, Nieng, Princeton University, 2005, Ph.D.
Subject: Molecular biology
Coming of age in American cinema: Modern youth films as genre
Schmidt, Matthew P., University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2002, Ph.D.
Subject: Film studies
Identifying as Husbands, Fathers, and School Leaders: A Phenomenology of Doctoral Persistence Among Limited Residency Students
Patterson, John, Liberty University, 2017, Ed.D.
Subject: Educational leadership
A new look at the minimum wage's effect on employment
Verner, Jimmy Lynn, Jr., The University of Texas at Dallas, 2009, Ph.D.
Subject: Labor economics
Mentor and Candidate Attributes That Promote Doctoral Persistence and Postgraduation Scholarship in Limited Residency and Online Doctoral Programs
Spaulding, Maria T., Regent University, 2019, Ph.D.
Subject: Higher education
Microbial pollution source identification in rural / urban mixed watersheds
Oun, Amira Oun H, Michigan State University, 2016, Ph.D.
Subject: Environmental engineering
The Power of a Princess: Examining the Role of the Disney Princess in the Lives of Adolescent Girls
Mallory, Marie, Regent University, 2017, Ph.D.
Subject: Communication
New methods using rigorous machine learning for coarse-grained protein folding and dynamics
Jumper, John M., The University of Chicago, 2017, Ph.D.
Subject: Chemistry
Content Analysis of the Theory Base Used in the Conference Proceedings of the Association of Educational Communications and Technologies
Flynt, Peggy R., Nova Southeastern University, 2014, Ed.D.
Subject: Education
The relationship of school uniforms to student attendance, achievement, and discipline
Sowell, Russell Edward, Liberty University, 2012, Ed.D.
Subject: Educational administration
Politics in the Social Media Era: The Relationship Between Social Media Use and Political Participation During the 2016 United States Presidential Election
Curry, Kevin Everett, Portland State University, 2018, Ph.D.
Subject: Political science
Improving decision making in healthcare operations
Dean, Matthew D., University of Connecticut, 2010, Ph.D.
Subject: Management
Listening to Many Voices: Teachers Exploring Identity, Art and Narrative in a Personal Storytelling Workshop
Blei, Micaela, New York University, 2018, Ph.D.
Subject: Education
The nature of parasocial relationships
Knowles, Megan L., Northwestern University, 2007, Ph.D.
Subject: Social psychology
The effects of single-parent households versus two-parent households on student academic success, attendance, and suspensions
Ferrell, Ronald T., Lindenwood University, 2009, Ed.D.
Subject: Educational administration
Introversion and the use of parasocial interaction to satisfy belongingness needs
Jarzyna, Carol Laurent, Loyola University Chicago, 2011, Ph.D.
Subject: Social psychology
Measuring corporate social responsibility through organizational values: A scale validation study
Toliver, Adria Denise, The University of Texas at Arlington, 2013, Ph.D.
Subject: Occupational psychology
PUNZO, FRED, Iowa State University, 1975, Ph.D.
Subject: Zoology
Professional accountability: Intellectual curiosity, self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and subjective norms of novice nurses and advanced beginner nurses
Burns, Colleen, Widener University, 2016, Ph.D.
Subject: Nursing
One with the Cloud: Why People Mistake the Internet's Knowledge for Their Own
Ward, Adrian Frank, Harvard University, 2013, Ph.D.
Subject: Psychology