
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Collections
Developed for teaching and research success across the curriculum, ProQuest’s expertly curated DEI collections offer authentic, diverse perspectives. Content spans books, video, scholarly journals, primary sources and more.
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Pandemics Resource Guide
How did societies respond to the Plague, Spanish Flu and HIV? Have the ways we respond to and make sense of epidemics changed over time? Based on what we can observe about the past, how will COVID-19 impact the way we live going forward?
See Resource Guide
Confronting Hard History Webinar
Associate Professor Hasan Kwame Jeffries (Ohio State) discusses teaching with primary sources to complicate normative narratives of slavery, the civil rights movement and Black Lives Matter protests.
Watch On-Demand历史与社会变革系列 (A-Z)

BBC News Bulletin Scripts Archive
The BBC News Bulletin Scripts Archive offers exclusive access to comprehensive news transcripts spanning six decades, providing invaluable insights into 20th-century
Databases, 学术, 历史与社会变革

Diversity Collection
Diversity Collection brings together three full text databases to provide a global view of some of the biggest topics in diversity, equity, and inclusion
Databases, 社区学院, 学术, 跨学科的, 历史与社会变革, 社会科学, 文化史, 性别研究
Early English Books Online
Early English Books Online is the definitive online collection of early printed works in English, making digital copies of over 146,000 rare works from before 1700
Primary Sources, 学术, 历史与社会变革, 英国历史, 早期现代史

Ethnicity & Culture Magazine Archive
Access and explore diverse perspectives and authentic voices from African American, Latinx, Asian, indigenous, and European immigrant communities
Databases, 公共图书馆, 学术, 历史与社会变革, 原住民
GQ 存档
康德纳斯特的 90 年回顾, 《绅士季刊》(GQ) 杂志, 从 1931 年到现在的报道。GQ 注重男士时尚,流行文化
数据库, 公共图书馆, 学术, 政府, K-12, 历史与社会变革, 艺术