Selection and acquisition simplified

Join the community of 500 libraries around the world that are saving staff time, stretching budgets and creating user-focused collections with Rialto.

One of the most complicated, time-consuming workflows in an academic library is selecting and acquiring books. Hundreds of publishers, thousands of user requests and multiple systems create workstreams that are filled with manual steps and information silos that absorb an already stretched resource: staff time.

Buy faster. Buy smarter.

500 libraries around the world are solving those headaches with Rialto, a marketplace approach that makes selecting and acquiring library resources fast, accurate and transparent. Built on the Alma library services platform, Rialto brings a familiar e-commerce style buying experience to library teams – one resource that spans the entire selection and acquisition process – from search and evaluation, to ordering and approval, to invoicing and activation. With Rialto, selectors and acquisition staff work in a common environment, keeping everyone on the same page, eliminating miscommunication, and preventing duplicate efforts.

Rialto saved our rapidly shrinking staff so much time and effort.


Everything you need to make informed purchases is at your fingertips with Rialto – no need to double check with other staff or systems. The Rialto marketplace is fully embedded within Alma, surfacing essential library data throughout the purchasing process in real-time, making library holdings, fund balances, and reading list information and more available when it’s needed.

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Powerful AI gives you the most relevant book recommendations

Librarians who are pressed for time need a search tool that helps them find title recommendations meeting their criteria, quickly and accurately. Since the very beginning, Rialto has utilized the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to deliver the most relevant search results and recommendations to selectors.

Recommendation feeds can be customized to meet your library’s unique needs and learn based on past purchases and patron engagement. With Rialto’s data insights and machine-learning capabilities, your staff can review the best-fit titles with minimal effort.

Customer Resources

What’s New in Rialto


What’s New in Rialto

Rialto continues to add functionality and enhancements to support efficient workflows, collaboration, and a seamless user experience.

Review a highlight of the latest Rialto enhancements.

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Rialto Case Studies

Trusted partners are here to help

Forget implementation headaches

Trusted partners are here to help

Rialto’s implementation is turnkey and it’s on us. Your Rialto will be up and running in a snap, with a dedicated team of librarians and product experts there to support you every step of the way. You’ll enjoy complimentary workflow support along with ongoing collection services that will help you get the most from your budget.

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Essential for librarians who value efficiency, collaboration, and ease-of-use

Rialto rebuilt the processes and flow of information to meet the needs of today’s selection and acquisition librarians



Rialto 与 Alma 在 Ex Libris 高等教育平台上统一,为图书管理员创造无与伦比的工作流程效率。



Rialto 通过标题、共享列表等实时活动指标,改善图书馆工作人员和教职员工之间的协作。



Rialto 的直观设计易于导航和快速学习。通过分组、排名和搜索结果分组,很容易找到正确的标题。

Expert Support

Expert Support

Our team of librarians and product experts is here to support you every step of the way. We will do the heavy lifting to ensure Rialto meets your library’s goals.

Rialto Publishers

Rialto’s Ebook Marketplace

When it comes to purchasing ebooks, we know choice is essential. With Rialto, your library can search, select, and order from more than 20 leading publisher and aggregator platforms within a single, easy-to-use marketplace. Rialto eliminates the need to purchase separately from individual platforms to simplify invoicing and other workflows. Our growing list of ebook platforms feature content in a range of disciplines and languages, with most platforms offering DRM-free and unlimited access titles.

  • Bloomsbury Collections​
  • Brill​
  • Cambridge Core​
  • De Gruyter Online​
  • Ebook Central
  • Ebsco eBooks (availability varies by region)
  • Elsevier ScienceDirect​
  • Gale eBooks (availability varies by region)
  • IGI Global InfoSci OnDemand​
  • John Benjamins e-Platform
  • JSTOR​
  • Karger​
  • Manchester University Press
  • Ovid (from Wolters Kluwer)​
  • Oxford University Press: UPSO​
  • Project MUSE​
  • Rittenhouse R2 Digital
  • SAGE Knowledge​
  • Taylor & Francis eBooks
  • Torrossa Digital Library from Casalini Libri (availability varies by region)
  • Unebook​
  • Wiley Online Library​
  • World Scientific E-books​
Millions of titles. One marketplace.

Print Books




New titles added in 2023


Curated Topic Lists

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