Dissertations - February 2025
Gender socialization in the family
Shearer, Cindy L., The Pennsylvania State University, 2007, Ph.D.
Subject: Developmental psychology
A study focused on the risk of illness from Escherichia coli in recreational-use water, using the Red Cedar Watershed as a model
Lang, Michael J., Michigan State University, 2004, Ph.D.
Subject: Environmental science
Anatolia in the Gap: Phrygia, Lydia, and Orientalizing Reconsidered
Tanaka, Kurtis T., University of Pennsylvania, 2018, Ph.D.
Subject: Archaeology
Content Analysis of the Theory Base Used in the Conference Proceedings of the Association of Educational Communications and Technologies
Flynt, Peggy R., Nova Southeastern University, 2014, Ed.D.
Subject: Education
Servant leadership: A theoretical model
Patterson, Kathleen Ann, Regent University, 2003, Ph.D.
Subject: Management
Attractional Church: The Impact of the Inner Life of a Local Church on Corporate Mission in North America
Sliger, Joseph Matthew, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2017, Ph.D.
Subject: Theology
Teacher-Writer Perceptions on the Essence of Writing: Influences, Identity and Habits of Mind to Sustain a Writing Life
Daniels, Shari Lynn, The University of North Dakota, 2018, Ph.D.
Subject: Teacher education
Mental Health Outcomes for Adult Children of Narcissistic Parents
Leggio, John Nicholas, Adler University, 2018, Psy.D.
Subject: Clinical psychology
Men's discipleship using the Gospel of John and the effect on spiritual well-being
Warren, Linda D., Nyack College, Alliance Theological Seminary, 2015, D.Min.
Subject: Theology
Nothing Left Unfinished: A Transcendental Phenomenology on the Persistence of Black Women in Distance Education Doctoral Programs
Rogers, Sherrita Yolande, Liberty University, 2018, Ed.D.
Subject: Higher education
Use of complementary and alternative therapies in community-dwelling older adults
Cheung, Corjena Kwok-Chun, University of Minnesota, 2005, Ph.D.
Subject: Nursing
El lider educativo: Caracteristicas y practicas para desarrollar comunidades de aprendizaje
Ruiz Ramos, Luz E., University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras (Puerto Rico), 2010, Ed.D.
Subject: Educational leadership
Becoming a missional church in an attractional world: A strategy for reaching unchurched people through the South Tracy Community Church
Hilby, Stephen G., Anderson University, 2009, D.Min.
Subject: Religion
The power of teacher-student relationships in determining student success
Camp, Michael David, University of Missouri - Kansas City, 2011, Ed.D.
Subject: Educational leadership
The effects of single-parent households versus two-parent households on student academic success, attendance, and suspensions
Ferrell, Ronald T., Lindenwood University, 2009, Ed.D.
Subject: Educational administration
Improving decision making in healthcare operations
Dean, Matthew D., University of Connecticut, 2010, Ph.D.
Subject: Management
The Impact of Texting and Social Media on Students' Academic Writing Skills
Risto, Angela, Tennessee State University, 2014, Ed.D.
Subject: Educational administration
Social Media and Self-Evaluation: The Examination of Social Media Use on Identity, Social Comparison, and Self-Esteem in Young Female Adults
Solomon, Michelle, William James College, 2016, Psy.D.
Subject: Clinical psychology
Media Effects and Criminal Profiling: How Fiction Influences Perception and Profile Accuracy
Bolton, Asha, Nova Southeastern University, 2019, Ph.D.
Subject: Behavioral psychology
Evolution and behavior of island scrub-jays (Aphelocoma insularis), western scrub-jays (Aphelocoma californica) and sage grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus)
Delaney, Kathleen Semple, University of California, Los Angeles, 2003, Ph.D.
Subject: Zoology
Politics in the Social Media Era: The Relationship Between Social Media Use and Political Participation During the 2016 United States Presidential Election
Curry, Kevin Everett, Portland State University, 2018, Ph.D.
Subject: Political science
El rol de Ia colaboracion y el Modelo de Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABPr) mediante el lente de la Teoria de Actividad (CHAT): un estudio de caso con estudiantes de 9no grado
Delgado Quinones, Isabel C., University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras (Puerto Rico), 2015, Ed.D.
Subject: Science education
Microbial pollution source identification in rural / urban mixed watersheds
Oun, Amira Oun H, Michigan State University, 2016, Ph.D.
Subject: Environmental engineering
Boy builders and pink princesses: Gender, toys, and inequality over the twentieth century
Sweet, Elizabeth Valerie, University of California, Davis, 2013, Ph.D.
Subject: Sociology
FENGLER, CHRISTIE KNAPP, The University of Wisconsin - Madison, 1974, Ph.D.
Subject: Fine arts
The Friendships of Adolescents with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Maya Beristain, Cynthia Rebeca, University of Toronto (Canada), 2017, Ph.D.
Subject: Clinical psychology
Co-teaching: Using the CO-ACT to identify quality Co-teach practices and predict academic outcomes for students with disabilities
O'Neil - Omelan, Kirsten, Texas A&M University, 2010, Ph.D.
Subject: Special education
The nature of parasocial relationships
Knowles, Megan L., Northwestern University, 2007, Ph.D.
Subject: Social psychology
Media Influence on the Public Opinion of Criminal Justice Issues and Policies: A Quantitative Descriptive Study
Whitman, Melinda Swanson, Northcentral University, 2019, Ph.D.
Subject: Criminology
Perceptions of academic writing by some Saudi graduate students studying in American universities
Alhojailan, Ahmad, Oklahoma State University, 2015, Ph.D.
Subject: Language
A new look at the minimum wage's effect on employment
Verner, Jimmy Lynn, Jr., The University of Texas at Dallas, 2009, Ph.D.
Subject: Labor economics