
ProQuest 的美国历史藏品以罕见、脆弱且难以找到的主要来源为特色,涵盖政府与政治、殖民化、奴隶制、军事和战争、工业与劳工、社会运动、艺术与文学、外交和国际关系等主题。材料涵盖视频、音频、报纸、文件、电子书、杂志、信件等,以及美国网站"黑人自由斗争"等独家资源,确保揭露历史上被边缘化的声音。

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New Deal Programs Resource Guide

New Deal Programs Resource Guide

This guide gives students an overview of five New Deal programs that addressed employment and infrastructure during the Great Depression. It also highlights resources on race and ethnicity that students can use in their own research.

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Socialist Party of America Papers Resource Guide

Socialist Party of America Papers Resource Guide

ProQuest’s History Vault offers scholars an abundance of resources to reconstruct both the history of one of the century’s most important revolutionary movements as well as Socialists’ role in a countless reform campaign.

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Alexander Street American History Collections

Alexander Street American History Collections

Uncover the inspiring voices of Native Americans, African Americans, women, the LGBT community, people with disabilities and other traditionally underrepresented groups in American History.

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Digital Sanborn Maps, 1867-1970

Digital Sanborn Maps, 1867-1970

数据库, 家谱, 历史与社会变革, 美国历史
Insight Product Suite

Insight Product Suite

Primary Sources, 企业, 社区学院, 学术, 政府, 历史与社会变革, 美国历史, 社会科学, 政治学

ProQuest Government Documents

Databases, 社区学院, 学术, 政府, 跨学科的, 美国历史, 社会科学, 英国历史, 政治学
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Black Newspaper Collection

ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Black Newspaper Collection

Databases, 公共图书馆, 企业, 社区学院, 学术, 政府, K-12, 黑色历史, 跨学科的, 历史与社会变革, 美国历史
Statistical Abstract of the United States

Statistical Abstract of the United States

数据库, 历史与社会变革, 美国历史, 社会科学, 政治学


数据库, 黑色历史, 军事和外交历史, 历史与社会变革, 美国历史, 原住民


数据库, 历史与社会变革, 美国历史


数据库, 军事和外交历史, 历史与社会变革, 美国历史, 社会科学, 政治学