主要来源对于教新手研究人员像历史学家一样思考,以及支持在各自领域有新见解和新发现的高级学者至关重要。ProQuest 的历史库跨越超过 2100 万页的数字化原始文档,这些原始文档是与著名的档案机构合作收集的。这些材料为学生和研究人员提供了对美国历史上社会运动和其他关键时刻的动态第一手资料,以支持非裔美国人研究、妇女研究、历史、政治学、军事和外交史、移民等主题。


伙伴 关系
与著名档案馆和组织(如 NAACP、芝加哥历史博物馆和政府记录等)合作挑选的罕见文件,其中许多文件仅从 ProQuest 以数字方式提供


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ProQuest History Vault impressed me deeply. I use a lot of historical databases, but this one stands out as one of the best and most user-friendly I've encountered. There are still so many hidden histories that await the light of day, and the curious eyes of young historians.
Andrew E. Hunt, Professor of History, University of Waterloo and author of The Turning: A History of Vietnam Veterans Against the War (NYU Press, 2001)
History Vault Collections
Southern Life, Slavery, and the Civil War
Features Petitions concerning race and slavery, Southern Plantation records, records on industrial slavery and Civil War and Reconstruction Era records.
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Civil Rights and the Black Freedom Struggle in the 20th Century
This category consists of the NAACP Papers and Federal Government Records, Organizational Records and Personal Papers regarding the Black Freedom Struggle in the 20th Century.
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Workers, Labor Unions, Progressives, and Radicals
Features collections on American workers and labor from the late 19th through 20th Century, and records of the Socialist Party of America.
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Latino History
History Vault's coverage of social movements and issues of race and ethnicity expands in this category with coverage of Latino History. This category opens with one module, Latino Civil Rights during the Carter Administration: Records of the White House Office of Hispanic Affairs.
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Women’s Studies
The Women's Studies modules in History Vault consist of records of suffrage organizations and other women's rights organizations; personal papers of women's rights advocates, many of whom were involved in the suffrage movement; and records on women at work during World War II.
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Native American History
American Indians and the American West consists of one module on American Indians and the American West from 1809-1971. This module contains several collections focusing on the interaction between American Indians and the U.S. government in the 19th and 20th Centuries.
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Revolutionary War and Early America
This category consists of one module featuring collections from the Massachusetts Historical Society. The module contains 26 collections focused on the Colonial era, the Revolutionary War, and the early national period. Highlights of the Revolutionary War era are the Artemas Ward Papers, Hancock Family Papers, and the Revere Family Papers.
American Politics and Society
American Politics and Society consists of a wide range of 19th and 20th-century material.
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International Relations and Military Conflicts
Collections in the International Relations and Military Conflicts category span from 1911-1975, offering a detailed view of U.S. foreign relations during the period from the years immediately before the outbreak of World War I through to the end of the Vietnam War.
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ProQuest 历史库是一个屡获殊荣的、不断增长的数字化收藏品,收集独特的手稿和档案材料,根据课程和新兴的研究趋势精心策划。
- 20世纪黑人自由斗争,联邦政府记录
- 20 世纪黑人自由斗争,组织记录和个人论文,第 1 部分
- 1960-1975年越南战争与美国外交政策
- 奴隶制与法律
- NAACP 文件:董事会、年会、主要演讲和国家工作人员档案
- 南方生活与非裔美国人历史,1775-1915年,种植园记录,第1部分
- NAACP 论文:NAACP 的主要运动:教育、投票、住房、就业、武装部队
- 美国政治与社会,从肯尼迪到水门事件,1960-1975年
- 争取妇女权利的斗争,组织记录,1880-1990年
- 1880-1930年 INS 移民记录
- NAACP论文:NAACP的主要运动 - 斯科茨伯勒,反林奇,刑事司法,牡丹,劳工,隔离和歧视投诉和反应。
- NAACP文件:NAACP的主要运动-法律部门文件
- 施莱辛格图书馆的妇女研究手稿集:投票权、国家政治和生殖权利
- 内战以来的法律与社会:哈佛法学院图书馆的美国法律手稿
- 第二次世界大战:美国关于规划、行动、情报、轴心国战争罪行和难民的文件
- NAACP 论文:特殊科目
- NAACP 文件:分支部门、分支文件和青年部门文件
- 美国军事情报报告,1911-1944年
- 托马斯·爱迪生论文
- 20 世纪的黑人自由斗争, 组织记录和个人论文, Pt 2
- 美国外交邮报记录,1914-1945年
- 20世纪黑人自由斗争:联邦政府记录,补充。
- 战略服务办公室(OSS)和国务院情报和研究报告,1941-1961年
- 新政与第二次世界大战:富兰克林·罗斯福总统办公室档案和联邦机构记录
- 美国印第安人和美国西部,1809-1971年
- 美国国务院中央机密档案,欧洲和拉丁美洲,1960-1969年
- 南方生活与非裔美国人历史,1775-1915年,种植园记录,第2部分
- 美国国务院机密中央档案,1960-1969年,非洲和中东
- 二战期间工作的妇女:铆钉工罗西和妇女军
- 美国联邦调查局机密档案和激进政治,1945-1972年
- 20世纪工人、工会和美国左派:联邦记录
- 美国国务院中央机密档案,1960-1969年,亚洲
- 联盟军事手稿和联盟将军和联盟军队的记录
- 冷战初期的美国政治——杜鲁门和艾森豪威尔政府,1945-1961年
- 内战后的重建和军政府
- 第一次世界大战:美国远征军的记录,以及第一次世界大战时期的外交
- 儿童局记录,1912-1969年
- 民主社会、越南退伍军人反对战争和反越南战争运动的学生(1958-1981年)
- 美国工会,1862-1974年:劳工骑士、AFL、CIO和AFL-CIO
- 第一次世界大战:英国外交部政治通讯
- 玛格丽特·桑格论文
- 进步时代:罗伯特·拉·福莱特论文 (1879-1924)
- 以色列的创建:英国外交部关于巴勒斯坦和跨约旦的信件,1940-1948年
- 进步时代:改革、监管和权利(1872-1934)
- 安特贝勒姆南方工业的奴隶制 (1700-1896)
- 平克顿国家侦探局记录
- 纳粹掠夺的艺术和资产
- 非裔美国人警察联盟记录,1961-1988年
- 进步时代:改革之声
- 革命战争和早期美国:马萨诸塞州历史学会的收藏
- 美国社会党记录
- 日裔美国人监禁:1942-1946年战争搬迁管理局记录
- 奴隶制、奴隶贸易和19世纪的法律和秩序,1636-1880年
- 1917-1976年,美国中央情报局关于中国和东欧共产主义的冷战研究报告和记录
- 19 世纪和 20 世纪的南方妇女及其家庭,北卡罗来纳大学教堂山南方历史收藏馆的控股
- 禁酒运动,1830-1933年
One of [History Vault’s] best features is the ability to search across the entire database. I would not have known to search for materials within the A. Philip Randolph Papers, for example, for Randolph was uninvolved in the VEP. And yet, through my keywords search, VEP related materials popped up in his collection.
Evan Faulkenbury, Assistant Professor of History, SUNY Cortland

ProQuest One Women’s Studies
Integrating award-winning primary sources, government documents, historical periodicals, videos, and scholarly essays on a purpose-built platform, this resource offers comprehensive support for researching key political and cultural events and movements in women’s history and studies.
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ProQuest One Black Studies
ProQuest One Black Studies brings together award-winning Black Studies content into one destination, combining primary and secondary sources, including leading historical Black newspapers, archival documents, key government materials, videos, writings by Black intellectuals and leaders, journals and essays by top Black Studies scholars.
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