Users in academic libraries can find definitive research information in the Medical Database. This resource is built on abstracts and indexing from the well-known MEDLINE® database, plus over 1,400 publications in full text essential to medical research.

The collection's international coverage with content dating back to 1980 provides a strong, stable foundation for any library wishing to build and expand its clinical and biomedical journal collection with content that covers all major clinical and healthcare disciplines, including cardiovascular diseases, pediatrics, neurology, respiratory diseases, dentistry, anesthesiology, and others. The books, magazines, references/reports, scholarly journals, top journals, and trade publications that comprise the collection are provided by over 240 publishers including Massachusetts Medical Society, Elsevier, Springer, Nature Publishing, and Cambridge University Press. Key titles include The Lancet, The New England Journal of Medicine, and Nature, among others.

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Interface orientada a tarefas

Interface orientada a tarefas

A plataforma ProQuest fácil de usar foi projetada para orientar os usuários acadêmicos perfeitamente através do fluxo de trabalho da pesquisa. Os usuários se levantam rapidamente e encontram o que precisam, para que possam gastar mais tempo nas tarefas que proporcionam sucesso

Editores Que Importam

Editores Que Importam

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Engaja sua coleção completa de ProQuest

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Moderno, Intuitivo, Responsivo e Acessível

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