The retrospective companion to Ethnic NewsWatch
This full-text database provides the historical foreground to the ethnic, minority, and native press content in Ethnic NewsWatch, with materials dating from 1959–1989.
Ethnic NewsWatch: A History™ presents the other sides of the stories on local, national, and international events that changed the course of history across three turbulent decades—the civil rights struggle, Vietnam War protests, dramatic changes in immigration law, trickledown economics, and the status of migrant workers. With more than 300,000 articles, ENW: A History gives undergraduates—most of them born well into the 1980s—easy access to the real story of the 60s, 70s, and 80s.
Ethnic NewsWatch and Ethnic NewsWatch: A History together span over 40 years with nearly 2.5 million full-text, fully indexed articles.
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