Arts Ebook Subscription

ProQuest's Arts Ebook Subscription offers anytime, anywhere access to thousands of titles including unique ebooks from Wiley. It covers topics such as art, architecture, dance, design, music, performing arts, film/screen studies, and more.

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Business Ebook Subscription

ProQuest's Business Ebook Subscription offers anytime, anywhere access on topics ranging from economics, marketing, leadership, finance and business planning, etiquette, intelligence and logistics, and much more.

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Education Ebook Subscription

ProQuest's Education Ebook Subscription offers anytime, anywhere access on topics ranging from teaching, classroom management, curriculum planning, early childhood education, adult learning, child development and psychology, special needs, and more.

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Health & Medicine Ebook Subscription

ProQuest's Health & Medicine Ebook Subscription offers anytime, anywhere access to a vast selection of ebook titles in Health & Medicine.

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History Ebook Subscription

ProQuest offers the largest subscription of quality, hand-selected aggregated ebooks in history that are available anytime and anywhere. The subscription provides a critical base of ebooks that support undergraduate and graduate history programs and provides historical background for researchers in many other areas of study. Key topics covered include world history, political science, history of military, business and economics, religion, fine arts, and much more.

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Law Ebook Subscription

This carefully curated collection covers legal topics related to medicine, business, the environment, religion, and other key areas. Along with general legal reference works, the collection includes a complementary selection of titles in history, social science, military science, political science, and more.

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Literature & Language Ebook Subscription

ProQuest's Literature & Language Ebook Subscription offers anytime, anywhere access to award-winning titles from renowned publishers covering a range of topics from language, literature, professional writing, journalism, library science, and more.

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Religion & Philosophy Ebook Subscription

ProQuest offers the largest high-quality, carefully curated ebook subscription in religion and philosophy with anytime, anywhere access. Spanning topics such as philosophy, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, criticism and interpretation of The Bible, religious history, beliefs, ethics, culture, politics, and more.

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Science & Technology Ebook Subscription

ProQuest's Science & Technology Ebook Subscription offers anytime, anywhere access to a range of ebook titles spanning chemistry, physics, math, geology, geography, IT, computer science, gaming, engineering, agriculture, and more.

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Social Sciences Ebook Subscription

ProQuest's Social Sciences Ebook Subscription offers anytime, anywhere access to a range of ebook titles spanning all social science subjects like psychology, philosophy, history, political science, economics, sociology, and more, the collection supports a broad range of programs and is suitable for both undergraduate and graduate-level research.

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With thousands of librarian-selected titles covering Asian Studies, Women's Studies, Black Studies, Hispanic/Latino Studies and much more, the DEI Ebook Subscription is the most focused curated subscription developed to represent all voices – regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, physical ability, and religious belief.

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Sustainability Ebook Subscription

Mapped to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), this Sustainability Ebook Subscription enables students and researchers to explore global issues from multiple avenues to prepare the next generation of leaders for the sustainability challenges and opportunities of tomorrow.

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Mental Health and Wellbeing Ebook Subscription

The new Mental Health and Wellbeing Ebook Subscription brings the latest, most relevant psychology research and mental health ebooks in one place. It was carefully curated to meet the latest research needs while also helping students and staff look after their own mental health and create a positive change.

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