With the polarization of Congress, implementation of laws through the promulgation of rules is becoming more and more important to the functioning of government and society. Everyone who works in a regulated industry – public health and medicine, energy, finance, education, to name just a few – is impacted by the implementation of laws. 

Regulatory Insight seeks to facilitate teaching and learning about administrative law by legal researchers, as well as academic researchers from many other disciplines. Regulatory Insight contains administrative law histories organized by public law, and provides functionality similar to the functionality found in Legislative Insight, to facilitate research. Longer term, ProQuest will create separate modules and offer content and functionality to enable users to engage in a wide variety of research tasks related to both historic and current administrative law.

Short Description

An Unprecedented Window into U.S. History

Acesso incomparável

Acesso incomparável

Fornecer acesso consistente às maiores coleções de documentos governamentais digitalizados facilmente descobertos organizados para facilitar o uso e a compreensão

Capacitar pesquisadores

Capacitar pesquisadores

Permitir que estudantes e pesquisadores pesquisem e explorem esses recursos essenciais para ajudar a construir habilidades de alfabetização crítica, analítica e digital



Explore e descubra o desenvolvimento e implementação da política e do direito em relação a questões históricas e em andamento, como imigração, saúde, justiça social, mudanças climáticas e muito mais

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