Federated Search for Softlink’s Library Management Systems

Serials Solutions 360 Search is available for integration with Softlink’s Oliver and Liberty Library Management Systems as a new OPAC enhancement. Using 360 Search, a single query combs the breadth of the library’s catalogued resources to produce complete search results in one place.
Mr. Stephen DiStasio, Senior Product Manager at Serials Solutions, believes that 360 Search will aid research for patrons as well as boost the value of the library.
“Federated search is a technology that helps libraries expose their collections to users via a single search box, making it easy for any type of library user to get the results they need and see the value in that library,” he said.
“Patrons can gain access to credible library content, research experiences are improved, and a larger resource pool is available.”
“We are pleased that Softlink has chosen to use our 360 Search service which is used by many libraries all over the world, to complement their library systems.”
Softlink’s Product Manager, Mr. Dion Dias, anticipates that the add-on will be a valuable addition to the existing range of optional modules for Oliver and Liberty.
“Federated search is an invaluable tool for research, offering information to users that either can’t be found on the open Internet or is not easily available. Instead of turning to the Internet for research, users will be able to use the library’s catalogue as their primary source of information,” said Mr. Dias.
“Softlink is always looking at ways to provide more value to the libraries worldwide, and federated search is a key capability for the library’s OPAC.”
Serials Solutions 360 Search is an optional add-on that is available for Oliver v5 and Liberty v5.
Softlink’s newest v5 system has been developed in consultation with libraries worldwide, with the focus on creating a streamlined and intuitive library experience for staff and users. For more information on v5, visit http://www.softlinkint.com
About Softlink
Softlink is a world-leading developer of Library Management Systems, and information management software solutions. Softlink’s software which is developed at its Brisbane head office is now installed in over 10,000 libraries in 108 countries covering ten major languages.
Solutions built with world-leading technology are strengthened by a range of local support services, delivered by Softlink’s product experts, experienced library and IT specialists on staff.
Softlink have won two major export awards; The Premier of Queensland’s Award for Export Excellence - Information Technology and the Australian Exporter of the Year – Information Technology.
For more information on Softlink and its Liberty and Oliver products, visit www.softlinkint.com.
About Serials Solutions
Serials Solutions® is the global leader in E-Resource Access and Management Services (ERAMS) that serves more than 3,000 libraries worldwide. Our comprehensive suite of hosted discovery and management services helps improve access to and use of collections, eases librarian workloads and ultimately reduces operating costs. Solutions include: the Summon™ web-scale discovery service, a world-class solution that provides instant access to the full breadth of the library’s collection through a single search; AquaBrowser®, a discovery layer that makes navigation more accessible; 360, the only integrated e-resource access and management solution; KnowledgeWorks, the authoritative e-resource knowledgebase and foundation for Serials Solutions 360; and Ulrich’s™, the world’s most authoritative source of bibliographic and publisher information for serials and the most comprehensive source of print and electronic serials data available.
Serials Solutions is a business unit of ProQuest LLC.