Enrollment in ProQuest Library School Program and Student Trainer Initiative Opens

Enrollment in the ProQuest Library School Program is now open for the 2009-2010 school year. The program makes ProQuest's acclaimed reference tools available to information science students at no charge during the school term. The program is aimed at supporting library education, enabling students to learn essential search skills on the data resources they are likely to encounter after graduation. ProQuest also selected students for its Student Trainer Initiative, which helps LIS students to develop bibliographic instruction skills.
“Both of these programs are rooted in ProQuest’s deep commitment to serving libraries and librarians,” said Anthea Gotto, Vice President of Global Training for ProQuest. “We’re very proud to help students hone their skills and seed our library community with innovative, forward-thinking professionals.”
All ALA-accredited library schools in North America, plus library and information science degree-granting institutions outside of the U.S., are eligible for free term access to popular ProQuest resources. The full list of products is available at www.proquest.com/go/lsp. The complimentary subscriptions will be available to library school students and faculty. ProQuest is also making its professional training team available to provide on-site and/or remote training to classes and give presentations on practical topics such as working with vendors or non-traditional careers for library graduates. Library schools that reside on a campus with four or more ProQuest databases are eligible to receive a classroom sampler of microfilm newspaper/research collections, and electronic versions of film subject catalogs.
Two students -- Bethany Farmer (University of Tennessee, Knoxville) and Lisa Speaker (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill) – have been selected for ProQuest’s Student Trainer program. Now in its fourth year, this unique opportunity offers a limited number of stipends to students in Library and Information Science programs to work a total of 72 hours as ProQuest trainers on their school campuses. These interns are responsible for training users, primarily other Library/Information Science students and faculty, on ProQuest Resources such as ABI/INFORM, Historical Newspaper databases, CSA Illumina databases, and RefWorks bibliographic management software. Ms. Farmer and Ms. Speaker impressed the selection committee with their presentation skills, comprehensive knowledge of searching electronic resources, and strong self-motivation.
ProQuest is a longstanding supporter of libraries and librarianship. The company’s outreach and advocacy efforts extend deep into the library community. Among its varied programs are tools and services that help librarians connect with their communities, scholarship support for library students, and sponsorship of a range of awards that recognize outstanding library school educators. For more information on the Library School Program, Student Trainer Initiative or any of ProQuest’s library advocacy initiatives, visit: http://www.proquest.com/en-US/aboutus/advocacy/.
About ProQuest
ProQuest creates specialized information resources and technologies that propel successful research, discovery, and lifelong learning. A global leader in serving libraries of all types, ProQuest offers the expertise of such respected brands as Chadwyck-Healey™, UMI®, SIRS®, and eLibrary®. With Serials Solutions®, Ulrich's™, RefWorks®, COS™, Dialog® and now Bowker® part of the ProQuest brand family, the company supports the breadth of the information community with innovative discovery solutions that power the business of books and the best in research experience.
More than a content provider or aggregator, ProQuest is an information partner, creating indispensable research solutions that connect people and information. Through innovative, user-centered discovery technology, ProQuest offers billions of pages of global content that includes historical newspapers, dissertations, and uniquely relevant resources for researchers of any age and sophistication—including content not likely to be digitized by others. Inspired by its customers and their end users, ProQuest is working toward a future that blends information accessibility with community to further enhance learning and encourage lifelong enrichment.
For more information, visit www.proquest.com or the ProQuest parent company website, www.cig.com.