These 10 Groundbreaking Dissertations Could Change the World
The insights published by this year’s ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award winners are already making waves beyond the University of Michigan

From the portrayal of single black women in the media to the cellular regulation of the protein palmitoylation cycle, the insights published by this year’s ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award winners are already making waves beyond the University of Michigan.
The 2019 Distinguished Dissertation Awards, sponsored by ProQuest for the 24th year, honored an elite group of Michigan alumni for dissertations that stood out in their fields. This year’s nominations were rigorously reviewed by a faculty panel and a group of postdoctoral fellows before the winners were announced at a ceremony on April 24.
Michael Solomon, Dean of Michigan’s Rackham Graduate School, introduced the event by talking about the importance of dissertation publishing. U of M has contributed thousands of graduate works to ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global, giving scholars around the world access to research from Michigan’s renowned graduate school.
“We’re delighted to have ProQuest as a partner in celebrating the accomplishments of these scholars and recognizing the excellence of their doctoral dissertations,” Dr. Solomon said.
Tierra Bills, a member of the Michigan Society of Fellows and one of the dissertation reviewers, also commended the winners. “You’re doing amazing work, and I’m looking forward to your contributions to society,” said Dr. Bills.
A list of awardees is below:
Charlotte Chan, Period Identities of CM Forms on Quaternion Algebras
Qi Chen, Proactive Vulnerability Discovery and Assessment in Smart, Connected Systems Through Systematic Problem Analysis
Traci Johnson, Focusing Cosmic Telescopes: Quantifying the Systematics of Strong Lensing Mass Models in the Era of Precision Lensing
Jessica Moorman, Being Single Is…: A Study of Black Love Media and Single Black Women’s Sexual Socialization
David Morphew, Passionate Platonism: Plutarch on the Positive Role of Non-Rational Affects in the Good Life
Cyrus O’Brien, Redeeming Imprisonment: Religion and the Development of Mass Incarceration in Florida
Meredith Skiba, Structural and Biochemical Investigation of Methylation and Elucidation of t-Butyl Formation in Polyketide Biosynthesis
William Stroebel, Fluid Books, Fluid Borders: Modern Greek and Turkish Book Networks in a Shifting Sea
Dakotah Thompson, Exploration of Radiative Thermal Transport at the Nanoscale Using High-Resolution Calorimetry
Michael Won, Structure, Function, and Inhibition of Protein Depalmitoylases