Spice Up Your Syllabus This Semester
Is your syllabus getting stale? Shake up your class this semester with varied content from across the ProQuest portfolio

By Kelly Latham, Faculty Campaigns
Access to varied content types and cross-disciplinary content allow faculty and students to explore subjects from different angles. See our Editor’s Picks for Faculty below. (For some items, you may need to log into your ProQuest or library account or request a free trial.)
Ebook: “Film Genre Reader IV”
Source: Academic Complete
Discipline: Film Studies
Since 1986, Film Genre Reader has been the standard reference and classroom text for the study of genre in film. The new fourth edition adds essays on genre definition and cycles, action movies, science fiction and heritage films. Readers will also find more than 30 essays by some of film's most distinguished critics and scholars, including Charles Ramírez Berg, John G. Cawelti, Celestino Deleyto, David Desser, Janet Staiger and Thomas Elsaesser.
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Survey: “How Are Newspapers Used in Academic Research?”
Source: Professor Eric T. Meyer, University of Texas Austin
Discipline: All
In partnership with ProQuest, Professor Eric Meyer conducted a survey to find out how academic researchers use newspapers. As one might expect, with the advent of digitization and the internet, newspaper citations have skyrocketed. Download the report to discover four key findings from the survey, including the top five subject areas that use newspapers.
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Documentary: "On Her Shoulders"
Source: Academic Video Online
Disciplines: Global Issues, Peace Studies
Nadia Murad was abducted in August 2014 when her village in Sinjar, Iraq was attacked by ISIS. She was held as a sex slave for three months before she escaped. In 2018, together with Denis Mukwege, she won the Nobel Peace Prize for her efforts to end the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war and armed conflict.
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Dissertation: “Peasant Blacksmithing in Indonesia: Surviving and Thriving Against All Odds”
Source: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global
Disciplines: Cultural Anthropology, Metallurgy, Archaeology
Did you know President Barrack Obama’s mother was a cultural anthropologist? Read her dissertation from the University of Hawaii at Manoa (1992), a socio-economic study of peasant metalworking industries in Indonesia. It emphasizes traditional blacksmithing, but data is also provided on the copper, brass, bronze, silver and gold industries.
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Journal Article: “Using Graphic Organizers in Preschool”
Source: ProQuest Central
Discipline: Early Childhood Education
When used for intentional and explicit instruction, graphic organizers such as KWL charts can be an effective teaching strategy for preschoolers. They show that words and ideas are important, and that print has meaning. They encourage letter recognition and letter/sound association, and show how to organize information graphically so children become visual learners.
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Dissertation: “Uber: A Case Study in Strategy, Leadership and Change”
Source: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global
Disciplines: Business, Management, Leadership
This master’s thesis examines Uber’s leadership, strategy and culture and explores how these elements led to its meteoric success. Uber’s attempt to overcome its current problems through change is examined, as well as change itself for Uber. It includes a literature review outlining the development of Uber, its leadership, strategy and culture; then addresses the organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
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Blog Post: “American Prohibition Law: Fake Rabbis and Other Loopholes”
Source: ProQuest Extraordinary Stories Blog
Discipline: American History
Ratified in 1920, the 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution – America’s only constitutional amendment to later be repealed – prohibited the manufacture, transportation and sale of alcohol. As a result, numerous otherwise law-abiding Americans (and others) found ways to skirt the law. In fact, scoffing the Prohibition act was so common that the term “scofflaw” was coined.
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Ebook: “The Craft of Research”
Source: Academic Complete
Discipline: All, Research Methodology
With more than three-quarters of a million copies sold since its first publication, The Craft of Research has helped generations of researchers at every level – from first-year undergraduates to advanced graduate students to research reporters in business and government – learn how to conduct effective and meaningful research.
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