18 July 2019 Blogs, acadêmico, Faculdades Comunitárias

Give Your Syllabus a Boost This Fall

Does your syllabus need a refresh? Update your course content this fall with varied content from across the ProQuest portfolio

By: Kelly Latham, Faculty Campaigns

Access to different content types and cross-disciplinary content allow faculty and students to explore subjects from different angles. See our Fall Editor’s Picks for Faculty below. (For some items, you may need to log into your ProQuest or library account or request a free trial.)

Video: Carmen
Source: Academic Video Online
Disciplines: Theatre/Drama, Music

The opera “Carmen” was first performed in 1875 in Paris and remains one of the most popular operas in the classical canon. It was written by French composer Georges Bizet in the genre of opéra comique, where musical numbers are separated by dialogue. Watch a clip of the famous aria “Habanera” from Act 1. This production was performed at London’s Royal Opera House, Covent Garden in 1991. American opera singer Maria Ewing was cast in the role of Carmen.
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Newspaper Article: Millions Around the World Hail Lunar Landing (July 1969)
Source: ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Washington Post
Disciplines: Science, History

Fifty years ago this month, United States astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon “on level plain in Sea of Tranquility.” Several hours later, Armstrong stepped on the lunar surface and uttered the famous phrase “That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” Add this front page news article to your syllabus to share this historic moment with students.
Learn more about Historical Newspapers

Dissertation: The Role of the Press in Political Change: Czechoslovakia 1968
Source: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global
Disciplines: International Law, Social Sciences

Before becoming the first female U.S. Secretary of State, Madeline Albright completed her dissertation at Columbia University in 1976. She focused on the end of censorship in Czechoslovakia in 1968 and how “journalists carried off a temporarily successful rebellion against the idea of fulfilling the educational and organizational functions prescribed for them in the Soviet model.” The purpose was to study how that extraordinary phenomenon came about and its effects on the country’s political system.
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Blog Post: The Value of Learning from Diverse Perspectives
Source: ProQuest Extraordinary Stories Blog
Disciplines: Interdisciplinary, Diversity

What is it about “other people” that makes us so uncomfortable? Why do we avoid people who aren’t like us? How does opening ourselves to diverse perspectives promote better learning and insights? Learn how primary source content helps students, researchers and the rest of us benefit from “the wisdom of strangers.”
Read the post | Visit the Extraordinary Stories blog

Journal Article: Dissecting the Effects of Disease and Treatment on Impulsivity in Parkinson's Disease
Source: ProQuest Central
Disciplines: Medicine, Psychiatry, Neurology

Converging evidence, including observations in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD), suggests that dopamine plays a role in impulsivity. This multi-faceted construct includes considerations of both time and risk; determining how these more specific processes are affected by PD and dopaminergic treatment can inform neurobiological models. From the Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society.
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Ebook: MWH's Water Treatment: Principles and Design
Source: Academic Complete/Ebook Central
Disciplines: Engineering

This definitive guide provides complete, up-to-date coverage of both theory and practice of water treatment system design. The third edition addresses new regulatory requirements, ongoing environmental concerns and the emergence of pharmacological agents and other new chemical constituents in water.
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