Exciting Enhancements to the ProQuest Interface
During the week of August 17, we’ll be introducing an improved ProQuest platform interface

During the week of August 17, we’ll be introducing an enhanced ProQuest interface, designed for evolving user workflows, and created following extensive customer feedback, testing, and in-depth analysis of usage patterns and behaviour.
From a redesign of pages to improved mobile access, the upcoming enhancements to the ProQuest (www.proquest.com) interface will help researchers complete their tasks with new levels of success and productivity. The redesign will:
- Simplify layouts - enabling researchers to focus on the content and tools they need to perform key tasks
- Improve document viewing - for a better reading experience, and a better landing experience for those accessing ProQuest from discovery services, or Google Scholar
- Offer improved mobile access
- Make search results easier to navigate
These improvements will occur automatically and require no administrative action on your part. Although the changes are intuitive to users and no training is needed, we will update our existing LibGuides and how-to videos prior to launch.
Learn more: http://www.proquest.com/go/upgrade-proquestinterface
Please contact us if you have questions or would like to share feedback.