11 April 2013 Blogs, acadêmico, biblioteca pública, Faculdades Comunitárias

Celebrating National Library Week!

U.S. National Library Week is around the corner. In celebration of libraries, we are offering access to a variety of ProQuest® resources from April 11 through April 20, 2013

U.S. National Library Week is around the corner. In celebration of libraries, we are offering access to a variety of ProQuest® resources from April 11 through April 20, 2013.

Complimentary Access to Popular Research Databases from ProQuest

    • CultureGrams™
    • eLibrary®
    • SIRS® Issues Researcher

Access to E-books from ebrary®

    • Public Library Complete™
    • Schools and Educators Complete™

You will also find a variety of resources for your professional development and for your library, including bookmarks, images for your library’s Facebook page, a research report on higher education students and social media, plus a limited-time discount on the 2013 U.S. Book Consumer Demographics & Buying Behaviors Annual Review.

Thanks for the work you do to support your school and library users. Enjoy the special recognition that you and your library so deserve this week.
