From Activism to Arts: Discover Six Decades of LGBTQ+ Perspectives
LGBT Magazine Archive delves into the rich history of LGBTQ+ culture, activism, and society through the digital backfiles of over 40 influential magazines. This collection covers newsworthy and social justice topics including activism, homophobia, transgender issues, psychological matters, counseling for sexual minorities, radical feminism, and LGBTQ+ family life.
Dating back to the 1950s, this digital collection features major periodicals devoted to a variety of readerships, covering prominent topics like health, lifestyle, politics, social attitudes, law, activism, LGBTQ+ rights, arts, and literature. You’ll get access to six decades of backfiles that libraries haven’t typically collected.
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Digital Backfile
Coverage spanning 1954 to 2020

Metadata and Searchability
Article-level metadata and searchable text

Document-Type Indexing
Easy retrieval of content such as advertisements, photographs, and illustrations

Full-Color Digitization
Cover-to-cover full-color digitization to maximize the visual content
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