Books In Print ® is the leading bibliographic database for libraries, publishers, and retailers around the world. From the enriched metadata that is supplied by publishers, Books In Print provides a valuable resource for Libraries in the process of making smart collection development and purchasing decisions.
Books In Print helps you search the marketplace, find the right title and explore all known formats options.
Customer Resources

Search everything in the market from books, ebooks, audio books, and videos, through a single Google-like search box, or create targeted result sets with Advanced Search.
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Find the right titles, save those titles and streamline workflows. Books In Print combines the most trusted and authoritative source for bibliographic information with powerful search, discovery and collection development tools designed specifically to streamline the book discovery and acquisition process.
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Find favorite authors, genres, and purchase points. Libraries worldwide consult Books In Print® to find titles, create lists and decide which vendor, ebook platform, or online retailer to source the title.
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Catalog Enrichment
Syndetics Unbound is now integrated in Books in Print. Libraries around the world are embracing the industry's best catalog enrichment solution to improve discoverability and help students and patrons expand their research horizons. Books in Print, now featuring Syndetics Unbound, is an unparalleled reader's advisory tool.
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Character Search
Character Search allows you to search for a character from their favorite books and view search results for all titles the character appears in and includes a brief synopsis of the character.
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Find Similar
Find Similar allows you to see suggested similar titles based on search criteria, or search by specific tags found in Syndetics Book Profiles.
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One-Stop Shop Discovery Environment
Titles within Books In Print® offer a vast amount of information: professional reviews, tables of contents, full-text previews, cover images, author biographies, awards information, summaries and annotations, and much more.
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Two Subscription Levels
United States Edition which contains U.S. publications, and Global Edition which offers global coverage, including U.S., U.K., Canadian, European, and Australian publications.
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Global Offering
Books In Print® contains over 40 million global titles (in print, out of print, and forthcoming), including books, ebooks, audio books, and multimedia. Books In print is available in two subscription levels; United States and Global edition.
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Bowker Book Analysis System
This customizable, self-service analysis tool eliminates tedious manual comparison via customized reports for data cleansing and management, and provides instant identification of the gaps and overlaps in your collection—so you can make better-informed selection decisions.
Bowker Book Analysis System
Resources for College Libraries
Resources for College Libraries (RCL) is a database that covers the two- and four-year college curriculum, providing a list of core titles essential for undergraduate teaching and research. Co-published by ACRL’s Choice and ProQuest, the RCL database is designed to connect high-quality titles to higher education institutions, all in an easy-to-use, responsive interface.
Resources for College Libraries
Syndetic Solutions™
Syndetics Unbound is an enrichment service that integrates seamlessly with your existing catalog or discovery layer to provide interactive exploration and increase the usage of your book and library collection. Backed by comprehensive data from ProQuest and LibraryThing, Syndetics Unbound provides the highest quality enrichments and best coverage for retailers, publishers, public and academic libraries.
Syndetic Solutions