EconLit, published by the American Economic Association, provides bibliographic coverage of a wide range of economics-related literature. An expanded version of the Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) indexes of journals, books, and dissertations, EconLit covers both economic theory and application.

Literature covered is of interest to researchers, academics, product managers, advertisers, product development specialists, and public policy professionals. EconLit includes information that is of prime relevance to many industries and research establishments world-wide.

Over 80% of all current records include abstracts. Also included are full-text of book reviews published in the Journal of Economic Literature since 1993. The database also includes links to full-text of some 40,000 working papers in economics.

Subject Coverage

Major areas of coverage include:

  • Agricultural and natural resource economics
  • Business administration and business
  • Country studies
  • Economic development, technological change, and growth
  • Economic history
  • Financial economics
  • General economics and teaching
  • Health, education, and welfare
  • Industrial organization
  • International economics
  • Labor and demographic economics
  • Law and economics
  • Macroeconomics and monetary economics
  • Mathematical and quantitative methods
  • Methodology and history of economic thought
  • Microeconomics
  • Public economics
  • Urban, rural, and regional economics
Update Frequency

Monthly, with approximately 30,000 new records added per year.

Examples of Use
  • Investigate the effect of technological change on economic growth
  • Research implications of changes in Social Security
  • Examine capital markets in specific countries
  • Find information about the effect of Welfare reform on urban economics
  • Investigate trends in financial planning, retirement, and pension programs
  • Research current trends in labor economics

Short Description

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