The U.S. Government is the single greatest collector and disseminator of information and reaches nearly every field of social science research. ProQuest offers unique insight into American society through our Executive Branch Documents, which boasts a wide array of materials produced by the Federal government. In addition to offering a record of Federal department and agency activities, Executive Branch Documents provides insight into virtually all facets of society — providing historical context for serious researchers across history, political science, social sciences, physical sciences, engineering, business and more.

Collections Overview

Executive Branch Documents, Parts 1-6

These collections feature a wide array of documents produced by the Federal government from our nation’s founding through the early 20th century. Topics span business and industry, foreign trade, navigation, immigration and population, health, causes of death, religious affiliations, military operations, weather conditions and more. Available collections:

    • Executive Branch Documents 1 (1789-1932)
    • Executive Branch Documents 2 (1933–1939)
    • Executive Branch Documents 3 (1940–1942)
    • Executive Branch Documents 4 (1943–1945)
    • Executive Branch Documents 5 (1946–1948)
    • Executive Branch Documents 6 (1949–1952)

ProQuest Executive Branch Documents Great Series and Reports

This curated collection of executive branch documents focuses on a complete series and monographs relevant to issues of today and their historical context. Parts are released annually covering the years 1953-present and consisting of approximately 25,000 documents, including complete runs of series and selected monographs from a variety of agencies. This collection builds upon Executive Branch Documents 1-6, which covers 1789-1952. Entitled users can search all executive branch content together and link back to pre-1953 documents from the later documents in a series. Entitled users can also search legislative content related to reports required by Congress with the reports themselves, and link from the executive branch document record to the related Public Law text, the legislative history on Legislative Insight and the regulatory history on Regulatory Insight. EBD Great Series and Reports facilitates teaching and learning about government policies, the implementation of laws, and changes in executive branch organization over time. Collections include:

    • Part 1
    • Part 2 Coming Soon!

Customer Resources

Short Description

An Unprecedented Window into U.S. History

Acceso sin precedentes

Acceso sin precedentes

Proporcionar acceso constante a las mayores colecciones de documentos gubernamentales digitalizados fácilmente reconocibles organizados para facilitar el uso y la comprensión

Empoderar a los investigadores

Empoderar a los investigadores

Permita a los estudiantes e investigadores buscar y explorar estos recursos esenciales para ayudar a desarrollar habilidades de pensamiento crítico, analítica y alfabetización digital



Explorar y descubrir el desarrollo y la implementación de políticas y leyes en relación con cuestiones históricas y en curso como la inmigración, la atención de la salud, la justicia social, el cambio climático y más

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