August 2023


  1. The relationship between strategising and ICT adoption
    Govender, Neelambal Manival, University of Pretoria (South Africa), 2013, Ph.D.
    Subject: Management
  2. A Phenomenological Study of University Leadership: Exploring the Leadership Practices Used to Implement Change to Increase Student Success
    Johnson, David J., Miami University, 2017, Ph.D.
    Subject: Organization theory
  3. Information sharing and collaboration in the United States intelligence community: An ethnographic study of the National Counterterrorism Center
    Nolan, Bridget Rose, University of Pennsylvania, 2013, Ph.D.
    Subject: Organizational behavior
  4. Gender socialization in the family
    Shearer, Cindy L., The Pennsylvania State University, 2007, Ph.D.
    Subject: Developmental psychology
  5. Nothing Left Unfinished: A Transcendental Phenomenology on the Persistence of Black Women in Distance Education Doctoral Programs
    Rogers, Sherrita Yolande, Liberty University, 2018, Ed.D.
    Subject: Higher education
  6. Servant leadership: A theoretical model
    Patterson, Kathleen Ann, Regent University, 2003, Ph.D.
    Subject: Management
  7. Human rights practice in social work: A rights-based framework & two new measures
    McPherson, Jane, The Florida State University, 2015, Ph.D.
    Subject: Social work
  8. The Humanity of Jesus in Matthew
    Jones, Matthew L., Regent University, 2018, Ph.D.
    Subject: Biblical studies
  9. Teacher-Writer Perceptions on the Essence of Writing: Influences, Identity and Habits of Mind to Sustain a Writing Life
    Daniels, Shari Lynn, The University of North Dakota, 2018, Ph.D.
    Subject: Teacher education
  10. Identifying as Husbands, Fathers, and School Leaders: A Phenomenology of Doctoral Persistence Among Limited Residency Students
    Patterson, John, Liberty University, 2017, Ed.D.
    Subject: Educational leadership
    The predictors of self-perceived cultural competence in children's mental health providers
    Keyser, Victoria E., University of La Verne, 2011, Psy.D.
    Subject: Developmental psychology
  11. Mentor and Candidate Attributes That Promote Doctoral Persistence and Postgraduation Scholarship in Limited Residency and Online Doctoral Programs
    Spaulding, Maria T., Regent University, 2019, Ph.D.
    Subject: Higher education
  12. El rol de Ia colaboracion y el Modelo de Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABPr) mediante el lente de la Teoria de Actividad (CHAT): un estudio de caso con estudiantes de 9no grado
    Delgado Quinones, Isabel C., University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras (Puerto Rico), 2015, Ed.D.
    Subject: Science education
  13. The current state of project risk management practices among risk sensitive project management professionals
    Voetsch, Robert James, The George Washington University, 2004, Ph.D.
    Subject: Management
  14. Predicting the Graduation of Ph.D. Candidates in Online Programs
    Snyder, Stephanie E., Regent University, 2017, Ph.D.
    Subject: Higher education
  15. The Impact of e-Books with Word Highlighting Features on Early Literacy Skills of Emergent Readers
    Bell, Carla Anne, Regent University, 2018, Ph.D.
    Subject: Educational technology
  16. Why do victims not report?: The influence of police and criminal justice cynicism on the dark figure of crime
    Yoon, Seokhee, City University of New York, 2015, Ph.D.
    Subject: Criminology
    FELICIANO-VALERA, JUAN GUILLERMO, Harvard University, 1985, Educat.D.
    Subject: Education
  18. The Impact of Selected Leadership Styles and Behaviors on Employee Motivation and Job Satisfaction
    Agboli Chukwura, Francisca, University of Maryland University College, 2016, D.Mgt.
    Subject: Management
    Anatolia in the Gap: Phrygia, Lydia, and Orientalizing Reconsidered
    Tanaka, Kurtis T., University of Pennsylvania, 2018, Ph.D.
    Subject: Archaeology
  19. Healing trauma in the psyche-soma: Somatic experiencing(RTM) in psychodynamic psychotherapy
    Hays, Johanna T., Pacifica Graduate Institute, 2014, Psy.D.
    Subject: Clinical psychology
  20. Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction at a Fast Food Hamburger Chain: The Relationship Between Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty
    Kabir, Jahangir M., Wilmington University (Delaware), 2016, D.B.A.
    Subject: Business administration
    Tertiary ESL learners' use of vocabulary learning strategies in reading and writing tasks: A mixed methods study
    Yang, Jae-Seok, Indiana University, 2014, Ph.D.
    Subject: English as a second language
  21. Academic performance in college online courses: The role of self-regulated learning, motivation and academic self-efficacy
    Basila, Catherine L., State University of New York at Albany, 2016, Ph.D.
    Subject: Educational technology
  22. Leadership influence on student motivation: A case study of prospective military musicians in training
    Sciarini, Michael J., Regent University, 2003, Ph.D.
    Subject: Music education
    Price Prediction: Determining Changes in Stock Pricing Through Sentiment Analysis of Online Consumer Reviews
    Boykin, Daryl F., University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2017, Ph.D.
    Subject: Business administration
  23. "The Classical School, Deterrence Theory, and Zero Tolerance": An analysis of a mandatory zero tolerance sanctioning policy in relation to The Classical School of Criminology and Deterrence Theory
    Saeler, Adam, Nova Southeastern University, 2015, Ph.D.
    Subject: Criminology
    Social Media and Self-Evaluation: The Examination of Social Media Use on Identity, Social Comparison, and Self-Esteem in Young Female Adults
    Solomon, Michelle, William James College, 2016, Psy.D.
    Subject: Clinical psychology
    Employees' perception of managers' leadership style, employees' motivation levels, and job satisfaction in Mainland China and Taiwan
    Hsu, Chia-Yuan, University of the Incarnate Word, 2007, Ph.D.
    Subject: Management
    The discipleship art of biblical mentoring: A Christian discipleship curriculum design for fashioning a Great Commission Church
    Clarke, Holt A., Drew University, 2005, D.Min.
    Subject: Biblical studies
  24. Improving decision making in healthcare operations
    Dean, Matthew D., University of Connecticut, 2010, Ph.D.
    Subject: Management
  25. Hypothalamic regulation in relation to maladaptive, obsessive-compulsive, affiliative, and satiety behaviors in Prader-Willi syndrome
    Bialik, Mayim Chaya, University of California, Los Angeles, 2007, Ph.D.
    Subject: Neurosciences

Masters Theses

  1. Reforming the criminal justice system: A pragmatic approach to building a sustainable system
    Smith, Da'Mon J., University of Central Oklahoma, 2011, M.A.
    Subject: Public administration
  2. The relationship between remote work and job satisfaction: the mediating roles of perceived autonomy, work-family conflict, and telecommuting intensity
    Schall, Marie Antoinette, San Jose State University, 2019, M.S.
    Subject: Psychology
  3. Static and dynamic inventory models under inflation, time value of money and permissible delay in payment
    Khorrami, Babak, West Virginia University, 2001, M.S.I.E.
    Subject: Industrial engineering
    Development and validation of the Toxic Leadership Scale
    Schmidt, Andrew Alexander, University of Maryland, College Park, 2008, M.S.
    Subject: Occupational psychology
  4. The Influence of Social Media on Teens' Self-Esteem
    Gallagher, Shannon M., Rowan University, 2017, M.A.
    Subject: Social psychology
    Exploring attitudes on the issues of sex positive therapy and surrogate partner therapy referral and execution by licensed clinical mental health professionals
    Holzum, Damon Mitchell, California State University, Long Beach, 2015, M.S.W.
    Subject: Clinical psychology
  5. Social media public relations practices of community non-profit organizations
    Stockhausen, Megan Amanda, Clemson University, 2014, M.A.
    Subject: Communication
  6. Organizational strategies that inspire and improve employee retention and morale
    Saliba, Soraya, Royal Roads University (Canada), 2007, M.A.
    Subject: Management
  7. Understanding the Marketing and Management of Trails Using Pestel Analysis
    Fosher, Holly, University of New Hampshire, 2018, M.S.
    Subject: Recreation
  8. Advantages and Disadvantages of Flexible Seating
    Havig, Jenna S., Minot State University, 2017, M.Ed.
    Subject: Education
  9. Social Media Use and Its Impact on Body Image: The Effects of Body Comparison Tendency, Motivation for Social Media Use, and Social Media Platform on Body Esteem in Young Women
    Puglia, Deanna R., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2017, M.A.
    Subject: Public health
  10. The interquartile range: Theory and estimation
    Whaley, Dewey Lonzo, III, East Tennessee State University, 2005, M.S.
    Subject: Mathematics
  11. Cyber-Terrorism: Finding a Common Starting Point
    Biller, Jeffrey Thomas, The George Washington University, 2012, LL.M.
    Subject: Law
  12. The language of clothes: Nonverbal communication intention and misinterpretation
    Dorrance, Elizabeth A., College of Charleston, 2011, M.A.
    Subject: Communication
  13. Performance management and performance: The mediating role of engagement
    Luong, Mina, San Jose State University, 2012, M.S.
    Subject: Occupational psychology
    Strategic Communications: A Case for the Olympics
    Allen, Blake D., San Diego State University, 2019, M.S.
    Subject: Criminology
  14. The effect of rewards and motivation on student achievement
    Baranek, Lori Kay, Grand Valley State University, 1996, M.Ed.
    Subject: Elementary education
    Positive and Negative Effects of Social Media on Adolescent Well-Being
    Kennedy, Katie, Minnesota State University, Mankato, 2019, M.S.
    Subject: Health education
    Facebook and Relationships: A Study of How Social Media Use is Affecting Long-Term Relationships
    Farrugia, Rianne C., Rochester Institute of Technology, 2013, M.S.
    Subject: Mass communication
  15. What Makes Apple Consumers Brand Loyal? The Effects Brand Personality, Reputation, and Brand Identity on Brand Loyalty
    Pinson, Caroline, University of South Carolina, 2012, M.S.
    Subject: Marketing
    Do people purchase what they viewed from YouTube? The influence of attitude and perceived credibility of user-generated content on purchase intention
    Wang, Cen, The Florida State University, 2015, M.S.
    Subject: Communication
  16. Tattoo stigma and job discrimination
    Drazewski, Phil, Illinois State University, 2014, M.S.
    Subject: Occupational psychology
  17. Evolution of leadership theories
    Maslanka, Ann M., Grand Valley State University, 2004, M.S.
    Subject: Social research
    Exploring brand personality through archetypes
    Roberts, Candice, East Tennessee State University, 2010, M.A.
    Subject: Mass communication
  18. Material representation: Narco religiosity in new American conception
    Zebert-Judd, Megan A., San Diego State University, 2016, M.S.
    Subject: Criminology
    Identifying the impact of leadership practices on organizational agility
    Young, Alethea G., Pepperdine University, 2013, M.S.
    Subject: Organizational behavior
  19. "Forming Meaningful Relationships with each Child": Examining the Impact of the Two-by-Ten Guidance Strategy on Preservice Interns
    Pirtle, Karen, Oklahoma State University, 2017, M.S.
    Subject: Early childhood education
    Nurse Administrators' and Nurse Managers' attitudes about Nurse-To-Patient ratios, the nurse shortage, job satisfaction, and patient care
    Erdahl-Wynia, Shelley, South Dakota State University, 2008, M.S.
    Subject: Nursing
  20. The Syrian puzzle: The Syrian conflict: Explaining main causes of the conflict
    Sen, Mustafa, Mississippi State University, 2016, M.A.
    Subject: Political science
    Social Media and Self-Esteem: The Relationship of Social Media Usage and Self-Esteem
    Barker, Jody Don, Arkansas State University, 2018, M.S.M.C.
    Subject: Psychology
    Empress Wu of the Tang dynasty: Becoming the only female emperor in China
    Rhee, Jong Min, University of Southern California, 2008, M.A.
    Subject: Asian history
  21. Von "nie wieder Krieg" ueber "nie wieder Auschwitz" zu "Krieg ohne Hitler": Geschichtliche Dimensionen der deutschen Bundeswehreinsatzdebatten in den neunziger Jahren im Pressediskurs
    Knubel, Tobias Valentin, California State University, Long Beach, 2003, M.A.
    Subject: German literature
    The impact of the media on public opinion of the police
    Mullis, Joseph, California State University, Long Beach, 2009, M.S.
    Subject: Criminology
    Altering the body/altering communication: A qualitative research on the effects of body modification on social interactions
    Friesen, Julianne R., University of Wyoming, 2013, M.A.
    Subject: Communication
    Effects of information technology on organizational communication: A case study of a selected healthcare organization
    Agboola, Toluwani C., The Florida State University, 2013, M.S.
    Subject: Communication
  22. Police pressure: The history of U.S. police interrogations
    Ortman, Abbie, University of Oregon, 2016, M.S.
    Subject: Criminology
    Complex Guilt: Sexual Complexities Relation to Sexual Guilt
    Weilert, Baker Austin, Arkansas State University, 2018, M.A.
    Subject: Communication
    Project Initiation and Army Design Methodology: A Structured Approach to Project Success
    Staples, Christopher, The College of St. Scholastica, 2019, M.S.
    Subject: Management
    The role of indigenous knowledge and innovation in creating food sovereignty in the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin
    Vazquez, Jennifer Marie, Iowa State University, 2011, M.S.
    Subject: Native American studies
  23. Aplicacion de conceptos de gestion de proyectos y gestion de riesgo en el desarrollo de productos nuevos en el campo de tecnologia de informacion
    Aguilar Ramos, Catherine, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez (Puerto Rico), 2006, M.E.
    Subject: Industrial engineering
    The organic beauty industry: A gendered economic review
    Connelly, Brianna D., University of Denver, 2013, M.A.
    Subject: Environmental economics
  24. Adapt and Overcome: Exploration of an Adaptive Leadership Measure
    Clesen, Andrew, San Diego State University, 2017, M.A.
    Subject: Communication
    A Nanoliposomal Adjuvant Containing Cobalt-Porphyrin Phospholipids For Anthrax Protective Antigen
    Lin, Cuiyan Kate, State University of New York at Buffalo, 2019, M.S.
    Subject: Biomedical engineering
    A Routine Activities Approach to Technology-Enhanced Sexual Crimes against Children
    Pierson, Amanda, The George Washington University, 2019, M.A.
    Subject: Criminology
    Phonological disorders: An efficacy study of the Hodson cycles approach to remediation
    Blanchard, Joelle Virginia, California State University, Fresno, 2006, M.A.
    Subject: Speech therapy
    A new heaven and a new earth: The book of Revelation and Latin American liberation theology
    Olson, Alicia M., University of Denver, 2008, M.A.
    Subject: Religion
    Sensitivity analysis of the basic reproduction number and other quantities for infectious disease models
    Mikucki, Michael A., Colorado State University, 2012, M.S.
    Subject: Mathematics
    Green products and green marketing: Factors affecting consumers' purchases of green products
    Donikini, Rajyalaxmi, Tennessee State University, 2013, M.S.
    Subject: Agricultural economics
  25. Fear of Crime Through the Ears of a Murderino: The Effect of True Crime Podcasts on Fear of Crime
    Bailey, Elizabeth June, Eastern Kentucky University, 2017, M.A.
    Subject: Criminology
    A study of Kelley's covariation model
    Curtis, Mathew Henry, University of Southern California, 2005, M.A.
    Subject: Social psychology
    An investigation of the motivations for second-hand clothing donation and purchase
    Baker, Jennifer Bauk, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2011, M.S.
    Subject: Behavioral psychology
    Rhetoric in mirrors: The rising image of conquest
    Gregory, Courtney N., Florida Atlantic University, 2011, M.A.
    Subject: British & Irish literature
    The oil industry of Iraq
    Nafi, Zuhair Ahmed, University of Wyoming, 1967, M.A.
    Subject: Commerce-Business
    The government's role in the industrialization of Iraq
    al-Jassim, Abdul G., University of Southern California, 1959, M.B.A.
    Subject: Business administration

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