July 2022


  1. Mentor and Candidate Attributes That Promote Doctoral Persistence and Postgraduation Scholarship in Limited Residency and Online Doctoral Programs
    Spaulding, Maria T., Regent University, 2019, Ph.D.
    Subject: Higher education
  2. Identifying as Husbands, Fathers, and School Leaders: A Phenomenology of Doctoral Persistence Among Limited Residency Students
    Patterson, John, Liberty University, 2017, Ed.D.
    Subject: Educational leadership
  3. Content Analysis of the Theory Base Used in the Conference Proceedings of the Association of Educational Communications and Technologies
    Flynt, Peggy R., Nova Southeastern University, 2014, Ed.D.
    Subject: Education
  4. Hypothalamic regulation in relation to maladaptive, obsessive-compulsive, affiliative, and satiety behaviors in Prader-Willi syndrome
    Bialik, Mayim Chaya, University of California, Los Angeles, 2007, Ph.D.
    Subject: Neurosciences
  5. Servant leadership: A theoretical model
    Patterson, Kathleen Ann, Regent University, 2003, Ph.D.
    Subject: Management
  6. The Collaborative Benefits of Google Apps Education Edition in Higher Education
    Cahill, Jacqueline L., Northcentral University, 2011, Ph.D.
    Subject: Educational technology
  7. Teachers' perceptions regarding the use of Google Classroom and Google Docs and their impact on student engagement
    Morquin, Demian, Texas A&M University - Kingsville, 2016, Ed.D.
    Subject: Educational leadership
  8. The relationship between strategising and ICT adoption
    Govender, Neelambal Manival, University of Pretoria (South Africa), 2013, Ph.D.
    Subject: Management
  9. Attractional Church: The Impact of the Inner Life of a Local Church on Corporate Mission in North America
    Sliger, Joseph Matthew, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2017, Ph.D.
    Subject: Theology
  10. Hall effect of amorphous transition metal alloys
    Rhie, Kungwon, Texas A&M University, 1993, PH.D.
    Subject: Electromagnetics
  11. Perceptions of executive coaches about wisdom in organizational leaders
    Livingston, Scott R., Indiana Wesleyan University, 2012, Ed.D.
    Subject: Management
  12. Men's discipleship using the Gospel of John and the effect on spiritual well-being
    Warren, Linda D., Nyack College, Alliance Theological Seminary, 2015, D.Min.
    Subject: Theology
  13. Social Media and Self-Evaluation: The Examination of Social Media Use on Identity, Social Comparison, and Self-Esteem in Young Female Adults
    Solomon, Michelle, William James College, 2016, Psy.D.
    Subject: Clinical psychology
  14. Evaluating organizational effectiveness
    Martz, Wesley A., Western Michigan University, 2008, Ph.D.
    Subject: Organizational behavior
    Cooperative Learning in a Community College Setting: Developmental Coursework in Mathematics
    Rivera, Natalie, Arizona State University, 2013, Ed.D.
    Subject: Higher education
  15. Nothing Left Unfinished: A Transcendental Phenomenology on the Persistence of Black Women in Distance Education Doctoral Programs
    Rogers, Sherrita Yolande, Liberty University, 2018, Ed.D.
    Subject: Higher education
  16. A qualitative examination of the Relationship Attachment Model (RAM) with married individuals
    Van Epp Cutlip, Morgan C., The University of Akron, 2013, Ph.D.
    Subject: Counseling Psychology
  17. Student retention at the community college: Meeting students' needs
    Jacobs-Biden, Jill, University of Delaware, 2007, Ed.D.
    Subject: Community college education
  18. Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction at a Fast Food Hamburger Chain: The Relationship Between Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty
    Kabir, Jahangir M., Wilmington University (Delaware), 2016, D.B.A.
    Subject: Business administration
  19. Application of Jean Watson's Theory of Transpersonal Caring in Nurses Practicing in a Pain Center
    Hubert, Patricia Malone, Seton Hall University, 2018, D.N.P.
    Subject: Nursing
    Healing America's health care education system: An early intervention program for future health care workers
    Marfuggi, Richard Anthony, Drew University, 2003, D.M.H.
    Subject: Health Sciences, Education
    Development and validation of the "Organizational Readiness for Evaluation" survey instrument
    Seiden, Katherine, University of Minnesota, 2000, Ph.D.
    Subject: Educational tests & measurements
  20. Leadership Style and Leadership Education: A Phenomenological Study of Nurse Leader and Frontline Charge Nurse Perceptions of Leadership Style and Leadership Education in Hospitals
    Smith, Candace S., Northcentral University, 2017, Ph.D.
    Subject: Educational philosophy
    Exploring Global Leadership Competencies: A Study of Leadership in U.S.-based MNCs
    Heeb Bivona, Diana, Northcentral University, 2018, D.B.A.
    Subject: Business administration
  21. A comparative analysis of leadership development models in post-baccalaureate theological education
    Kiedis, Thomas Lee, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2009, Ph.D.
    Subject: Educational leadership
    Rota's conjecture and positivity of algebraic cycles in permutohedral varieties
    Huh, June, University of Michigan, 2014, Ph.D.
    Subject: Mathematics
    A Phenomenological Study of University Leadership: Exploring the Leadership Practices Used to Implement Change to Increase Student Success
    Johnson, David J., Miami University, 2017, Ph.D.
    Subject: Organization theory
    God's shield: The relationship between God attachment, relationship satisfaction, and adult child of an alcoholic (ACOA) status in a sample of evangelical graduate counseling students
    Dumont, Karin McPeak, Liberty University, 2010, Ph.D.
    Subject: Counseling Psychology
  22. Comparison of narrative and class-based ABC data collection procedures
    Solnick, Mark D., University of South Carolina, 2010, Ph.D.
    Subject: Behavioral psychology
  23. Informing graduate enrollment management: Marketing and admissions through students' perspectives
    Stack, Sandra J., Colorado State University, 2009, Ph.D.
    Subject: Educational administration
  24. Strategic human resource management at the crossroads: Relationships among human resource capital, overlapping tenure, behaviors, and performance
    Harris, Christopher M., The University of Texas at Arlington, 2009, Ph.D.
    Subject: Management
  25. "Afraid to Breathe": Understanding North Carolina's Experience of the 1918-1919 Influenza Pandemic at the State, Local, and Individual Levels
    Austin, Lauren Amanda, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 2018, Ph.D.
    Subject: American history
    Hospital Administrators' Knowledge of the CRNA Role and Scope of Practice
    Portillos, Jessica D., The University of Arizona, 2018, D.N.P.
    Subject: Nursing

Masters Theses

  1. Development and validation of the Toxic Leadership Scale
    Schmidt, Andrew Alexander, University of Maryland, College Park, 2008, M.S.
    Subject: Occupational psychology
  2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Flexible Seating
    Havig, Jenna S., Minot State University, 2017, M.Ed.
    Subject: Education<
  3. The influence of social media on teens' self-esteem
    Gallagher, Shannon Murphy, Rowan University, 2017, M.A.
    Subject: Social psychology
  4. Reforming the criminal justice system: A pragmatic approach to building a sustainable system
    Smith, Da'Mon J., University of Central Oklahoma, 2011, M.A.
    Subject: Public administration
  5. An examination of CAD use in two interior design programs from the perspectives of curriculum and instructors
    Al-Mousa, Nadya, Queen's University (Canada), 2013, M.Ed.
    Subject: Curriculum development
  6. The relationship between remote work and job satisfaction: the mediating roles of perceived autonomy, work-family conflict, and telecommuting intensity
    Schall, Marie Antoinette, San Jose State University, 2019, M.S.
    Subject: Psychology
  7. Social Media Use and Its Impact on Body Image: The Effects of Body Comparison Tendency, Motivation for Social Media Use, and Social Media Platform on Body Esteem in Young Women
    Puglia, Deanna R., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2017, M.A.
    Subject: Public health
    Empress Wu of the Tang dynasty: Becoming the only female emperor in China
    Rhee, Jong Min, University of Southern California, 2008, M.A.
    Subject: Asian history
  8. Flexible Seating: Effects of Student Seating Type Choice in the Classroom
    Allen, Callie, Western Illinois University, 2018, M.S.Ed.
    Subject: Elementary education
  9. Facebook and Relationships: A Study of How Social Media Use is Affecting Long-Term Relationships
    Farrugia, Rianne C., Rochester Institute of Technology, 2013, M.S.
    Subject: Mass communication
  10. Do people purchase what they viewed from YouTube? The influence of attitude and perceived credibility of user-generated content on purchase intention
    Wang, Cen, The Florida State University, 2015, M.S.
    Subject: Communication
  11. Is Positive Discipline preferable over punishment in controlling behavior in the workplace?
    Meehan, John, State University of New York Empire State College, 2010, M.A.
    Subject: Management
    Understanding the Marketing and Management of Trails Using Pestel Analysis
    Fosher, Holly, University of New Hampshire, 2018, M.S.
    Subject: Recreation
  12. A Study of the History of Cryptocurrency and Associated Risks and Threats
    Madey, Robert Stanley, Utica College, 2017, M.S.
    Subject: Computer science
  13. Positive and Negative Effects of Social Media on Adolescent Well-Being
    Kennedy, Katie, Minnesota State University, Mankato, 2019, M.S.
    Subject: Health education
  14. Exploring the Existence of a "Documentary Effect": Examination of True Crime Documentaries on Judgments of Evidence Manipulation and Perceptions of Police
    Doughty, Kathryn A., Arizona State University, 2018, M.S.
    Subject: Law
    "Hold that hemline!" Christian Dior's New Look in America
    Biggs, Caroline Cameron, Sarah Lawrence College, 2012, M.A.
    Subject: Women's studies
    K-pop, language, and online fandom: an exploration of korean language use and performativity amongst international k-pop fans
    Crow, Teahlyn Frances, Northern Arizona University, 2019, M.A.
    Subject: Sociolinguistics
    Social Media and Self-Esteem: The Relationship of Social Media Usage and Self-Esteem
    Barker, Jody Don, Arkansas State University, 2018, M.S.M.C.
    Subject: Psychology
  15. Effectiveness of YouTube Advertising: A Study of Audience Analysis
    Rodriguez, Paula R., Rochester Institute of Technology, 2017, M.S.
    Subject: Communication
    Japan's Refugee Policy: Sharing the Burden of Human Security
    McFeeters, Lily, Georgetown University, 2018, M.A.
    Subject: Asian studies
  16. The interquartile range: Theory and estimation
    Whaley, Dewey Lonzo, III, East Tennessee State University, 2005, M.S.
    Subject: Mathematics
    Effects of information technology on organizational communication: A case study of a selected healthcare organization
    Agboola, Toluwani C., The Florida State University, 2013, M.S.
    Subject: Communication
  17. Gender Transgressions of the Pixar Villains
    Giunchigliani, Mallory S., Hawaii Pacific University, 2011, M.A.
    Subject: Communication
    Music technology in high school music education: How music technology can increase musicianship skills in high school students
    Hungate, William M., University of Colorado at Denver, 2016, M.S.
    Subject: Music education
    Artificial Intelligence: Issues of Consumer Privacy, Industry Risks, and Ethical Concerns
    Brubaker, Kyle, Utica College, 2018, M.S.
    Subject: Information technology
    Examining the Utility of Pre-Charge Youth Diversion Programs: A Canadian Context
    Samuels, Kanika, University of Ontario Institute of Technology (Canada), 2015, M.A.
    Subject: Criminology
  18. From Social Media Uses and Gratifications to Social Media Addiction: A Study of the Abuse of Social Media Among College Students
    Liu, Yuchen, University of Kansas, 2016, M.S.
    Subject: Mass communication
    Ladies in Rebellion: Women of the 1715 and 1745 Jacobite Risings
    Fusick, Katherine, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2017, M.A.
    Subject: European history
    Application of Investigative Psychology to Psychodynamic and Human Development Theories: Examining Traits and Typologies of Serial Killers
    Smith, Jordyn, California Baptist University, 2018, M.A.
    Subject: Behavioral psychology
    Comparing Welch ANOVA, a Kruskal-Wallis test, and traditional ANOVA in case of heterogeneity of variance
    Liu, Hangcheng, Virginia Commonwealth University, 2015, M.S.
    Subject: Biostatistics
    The electronic health record, do the pros outweigh the cons?
    Bumpus, Marketa M., The College of St. Scholastica, 2015, M.S.
    Subject: Health care management
  19. The effects of phonological cycles treatment on the occurrence of phonological patterns
    Alfonso, Nicole, Texas Christian University, 2015, M.S.
    Subject: Speech therapy
  20. Decreasing disruptive classroom behaviors: The use of ABA techniques on children with Down Syndrome, ADHD, and Tourette Syndrome
    Pelegrino, Nicole, Southern Connecticut State University, 2015, M.S.W.
    Subject: Social work
  21. An adaptive bandwidth enforcement and congestion control algorithm for broadband ISDN
    Hon, Herbert, University of Toronto (Canada), 1992, M.A.SC.
    Subject: Electrical engineering
    Impact of Basel III on Chinese Firms Access to Credit
    Shi, Ziwei, Georgetown University, 2018, M.P.P.
    Subject: Public policy
    Recruitment and Retention of Generation Z in the Workplace
    Scheuerlein, Kristen, The College of St. Scholastica, 2019, M.B.A.
    Subject: Management
    Evaluation of Ecolabelling Criteria Using Life Cycle Assessment
    Bernardo, Melissa, Arizona State University, 2012, M.S.
    Subject: Environmental engineering
    Fortune-tellers and telling sympathies: Innovations of Caravaggio's "Fortune-Teller"
    Allegretto, Kari A., American University, 2013, M.A.
    Subject: Art history
    Common practices of speech-language pathologists in bilingual assessment and intervention
    Aguilar, Carla J., The University of Alabama, 2013, M.S.
    Subject: Speech therapy
    Work-life balance practices, employee attitudes, and behaviors at work: The mediating role of work-life conflict
    Lee, Hui-Ting, San Jose State University, 2014, M.S.
    Subject: Occupational psychology
  22. UBER: A Case Study in Strategy, Leadership and Change
    Spott, Patrick, The College of St. Scholastica, 2018, M.B.A.
    Subject: Management
    Swipe Right or Get Left Behind: Presentation of Masculinity in the Tinder Dating App
    Conderacci, Lee, Towson University, 2019, M.S.
    Subject: Communication
    Designing for adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Optimized live.work.play.learn environments
    Marchi, Lisa, Clemson University, 2013, M.Arch.
    Subject: Architecture
    The Relationship between Social Media and Siting of Omaha Restaurants
    Koespell, Kelly S., University of Nebraska at Omaha, 2013, M.A.
    Subject: Geography
    Visualizing brand personality and personal branding: Case analysis on Starbucks and Nike's brand value co-creation on Instagram
    Chang, Chia Yu, The University of Iowa, 2014, M.A.
    Subject: Communication
    Organizational strategies that inspire and improve employee retention and morale
    Saliba, Soraya, Royal Roads University (Canada), 2007, M.A.
    Subject: Management
    The Impact of Onboarding Levels on Perceived Utility, Organizational Commitment, Organizational Support, and Job Satisfaction
    Meyer, Amanda M., Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, 2016, M.A.
    Subject: Occupational psychology
  23. Fear of Crime Through the Ears of a Murderino: The Effect of True Crime Podcasts on Fear of Crime
    Bailey, Elizabeth June, Eastern Kentucky University, 2017, M.A.
    Subject: Criminology
    The God of War: Napoleonic Appropriation of Greco-Roman Art, Architecture, and Iconography
    Murphy, Thomas F., San Diego State University, 2018, M.A.
    Subject: Romance literature
    The efficiency of brief, intensive drill sessions in achieving articulation objectives
    Smith, Kathryn Ann, Arkansas State University, 2011, M.C.D.
    Subject: Speech therapy
    Gender neutral parenting: An argument for a place on the contemporary feminist agenda
    Dumas, Moira Duffy, Southern Connecticut State University, 2014, M.A.
    Subject: Women's studies
    Social work mediation/conflict resolution: The benefits, challenges, and practitioner improvements associated with the use of mediation/conflict resolution in social work practice
    Kelly, Don R., The University of Texas at Arlington, 2014, M.S.
    Subject: Social work
    Entertainment Assembled: The Marvel Cinematic Universe, a Case Study in Transmedia
    Menard, Drew, Liberty University, 2015, M.A.
    Subject: Communication
    Investigating the Prevalence and Risk-Factors of Depression Symptoms among NCAA Division I Collegiate Athletes
    Cox, Charles, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, 2015, M.S.
    Subject: Kinesiology
    #Socialmedia: Exploring the associations of social networking sites and body image, self-esteem, disordered eating and/or eating disorders and the impact of a media literacy intervention
    Santarossa, Sara, University of Windsor (Canada), 2015, M.H.K.
    Subject: Kinesiology
    Ferdinand Ries and the Piano Concerto: Beethoven's Shadow and the Early Romantic Concerto
    McGorray, Ian, University of Cincinnati, 2015, M.M.
    Subject: Music
  24. From undergraduate dance major to professional contemporary dance artist: Aligning current paradigms for a successful transition
    Karigan, Alexandra Katherine, Texas Christian University, 2016, M.F.A.
    Subject: Dance
    Social Networks and Internet-Facilitated Child Exploitation: A Review of Existing Material and Call for Research
    Ramdass, Tejwantie, Utica College, 2016, M.S.
    Subject: Computer science
    Entanglement and complexity in quantum elementary cellular automata
    Hillberry, Logan E., Colorado School of Mines, 2016, M.S.
    Subject: Quantum physics
    Etude exploratoire les differences strategiques adoptees et les performances en periode de turbulence : le cas des pme moyennement experimentees et experimentees
    Gagnon, Thierry, Universite du Quebec a Chicoutimi (Canada), 2017, M.Sc.
    Subject: Entrepreneurship
    Teach-tie: A Program for Teaching a Child with and a Child Without Autism to Tie Their Shoelaces Using Video Prompting and Backwards Chaining
    Montalmont, Bianca S., Temple University, 2018, M.S.Ed.
    Subject: Behavioral sciences
    Pronunciation difficulties in the consonant system experienced by Arabic speakers when learning English after the age of puberty
    Barros, Ana Marina do Val, West Virginia University, 2003, M.A.
    Subject: Language
    Effectiveness of parallel branch prediction correctors on branch prediction accuracy
    Wyche, Jason M., The University of Texas at San Antonio, 2010, M.S.
    Subject: Computer engineering
    Green products and green marketing: Factors affecting consumers' purchases of green products
    Donikini, Rajyalaxmi, Tennessee State University, 2013, M.S.
    Subject: Agricultural economics
    Transformational leadership and communication: Barack Obama case study
    Hanson, Sonja L., San Diego State University, 2014, M.A.
    Subject: Communication
    Finite element modeling of a 40 m lattice wind turbine tower
    Smith, Scott A., University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2015, M.S.
    Subject: Mechanical engineering

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