Digitizing the Library Collection: A Look at Georgia Tech Library
Learn more about how Georgia Tech Library has enhanced their physical browsing experience for users with Syndetics Unbound

The Syndetics Unbound Browse Shelf interactive feature gives library patrons the physical browsing experience by using call numbers to pull titles into a virtual library shelf on the website. Browse Shelf cultivates the experience of searching a library’s stacks online, giving users a more traditional, serendipitous feel, similar to actually being inside the library.
In light of the current routine shut-downs and library closures, we might feel like we are well versed with this new online experience. However, well before the COVID-19 pandemic started, Georgia Tech Library was ahead of the curve, fully digitizing their collection and removing library stacks from their library. Heather Jeffcoat from Georgia Tech Library explains how Browse Shelf helped their library with the move to virtual browsing:
“After moving most of the Library's physical collection to an off-site storage facility, we wanted to fill the void of browsing the physical stacks with a virtual browsing solution. Syndetics Unbound does just that by providing our users a serendipitous stack browsing experience within our discovery tool. The “Browse Shelf” feature is engaging and easy to navigate, a great alternative to physical browsing. Most importantly, the “Browse Shelf” feature connects users to titles related to their research that they might not otherwise have discovered. This has been especially useful during the pandemic since everything went virtual. Our users are still able to browse and discover new resources directly in the catalog without the need to visit the physical space."
"Other Syndetics enrichment elements such as, “Tags” and “Related Readings” are also helpful in exposing users to the wealth of content the Library offers. In addition, we have implemented several Syndetics book display widgets across our site focused on critical topics such as, Black Lives Matter and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. The book widgets make it easy to provide focused reading lists in a very eye-catching way, driving users to the most important and relevant content for that topic.”
— Heather Jeffcoat, Georgia Tech Library
As Georgia Tech Library has discovered, Syndetics Unbound can be an essential tool for helping your library to digitize their collection, providing a more enhanced library experience for users. Implementing elements such as Browse Shelf, Tags, Related Readings, or Book Display Widgets will help showcase your collection’s titles and aid in users search and engagement.
Visit the Syndetics Unbound “See It” page to take a closer look at all the Syndetics Unbound elements available. You can also contact us if you have questions about digitizing your collection or subscribing to Syndetics Unbound.